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Buying a TV?

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    Buying a TV?

    We really would like a new TV. The two we have are 13 and 17 years old and one of them flashes like every other second, so you only get half the picture lol.

    We always wanted to buy a new flat screen 32" TV and get rid of the flasher.

    We have not used cards in over a year because we were in debt management, so everything is paid in cash.

    We haven't filed yet, but we do have some money due to some OT that we could buy a new TV with. I know we can exempt it in our household exemptions, but can we only exempt one TV? I see mixed information out there on this. And are we going to be questioned about a large purchase like that so close to filing? I know TV isn't a necessity, but it sure does come in handy with kiddos and working from home.

    Thanks for any input.

    You can buy tv's just don't use a CC.
    Chapter 7 07/30/2008
    341 09/17/2008
    Discharge 11/21/2008


      Pay cash for it and you will be fine


        I was wondering this too. We had our 341 on 2/24. Our TV is 12 yrs old, which is FINE, except that the screen went completely black. Haha. Minor detail. We have been listening to music alot. I could get the cash out of the bank, but it would be much easier to use ATM. IS that a bad iea? Circuit City has 7 days left of being open and has some great deals, but a Circuit City purchase on the bank statement should the UST want to see stuff??


          Just use cash and buy it!
          Chapter 7 filed 10/21/2008
          341 - 11/26 went smooth NO ASSET
          Took 115 days after 341 - But Finally DISCHARGED 3/25/09


            This is only my opinion. Mrs. and I pick up TVs in the garbage laid out in our area. They mostly work and are tossed by those who want a flat screen. A regular TV can be purchased at Wal*mart for very little and at good will for next to nothing.

            I would advise, you best get used to controlling “wants” over “needs”. I vote for let it slide till after your bk. As I said, only my opinion. ‘Hub
            If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


              I think "wants" versus "needs" is what gets most of us here. However, if you're watching a flashing TV... um, that doesn't sound healthy. Hello migraine! Get rid of it. Do you really need a flatscreen? I dunno. I do know it's hard to find a regular TV these days tho!
              Read the Blog: My Personal Experience With Bankruptcy


                We voted for this today, no TV. Just doesn't feel right. Music is working out just fine! We're separating anyway, so when I am on my own I will buy myself something small as a reward (I'll need the distraction when my boys are with their dad and I am alone).


                  I purchased a 28’ screen TV for 180 bucks years ago. I assume most here have cable TV, so it does not matter if you purchase or glean an older TV. The newer ones need to be digital if you don’t have cable or Dish. Antenna’s are very scarce these days. An LCD flat screen could be sensitive at this time of life with bk. As a Trustee, I could easily say, “for the price of that, you could have made two payments to those (bills)”. Yes I know I sound harsh, but I’ve been there with toys and wants instead of needs. I have and am still learning my lesson, and I am probably older than 90% of you folks here. Not too old to learn new things. ‘Hub
                  If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                    Thanks for all the input. I think I want to be safe rather than sorry. It would probably cost about $550 for the one we want. Hubby and I haven't exchanged Christmas gifts in a several years, just done for the kids, so it will be a real treat when we do get Christmas in July


                      Originally posted by Tromploi View Post
                      We voted for this today, no TV. Just doesn't feel right. Music is working out just fine! We're separating anyway, so when I am on my own I will buy myself something small as a reward (I'll need the distraction when my boys are with their dad and I am alone).
                      For many people the WORST thing they can do to themselves post-separation is to spend time alone. Find a fun activity or two to distract you when the kids are with him.

                      P.S. I'm still pulling for the two of you to work it all out after you get through bankruptcy!
                      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                        Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                        For many people the WORST thing they can do to themselves post-separation is to spend time alone. Find a fun activity or two to distract you when the kids are with him.

                        P.S. I'm still pulling for the two of you to work it all out after you get through bankruptcy!
                        Thank you, you're sweet. But my hope meter has gone to very low. He's still here but he's already gone if that makes sense. I just thank GAWD for my dogs. They will always love me, and keep me company.


                          Originally posted by Tromploi View Post
                          Thank you, you're sweet. But my hope meter has gone to very low. He's still here but he's already gone if that makes sense. I just thank GAWD for my dogs. They will always love me, and keep me company.

                          I don't get "sweet" very often.

                          Like Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over 'til it's over." Hang in there.

                          Since you're obviously a dog lover, you could volunteer time with a rescue agency on those "lonely" times when the kids are with him. We work with one and love the satisfaction.
                          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                            Originally posted by OhioFiler View Post
                            I don't get "sweet" very often.

                            Like Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over 'til it's over." Hang in there.

                            Since you're obviously a dog lover, you could volunteer time with a rescue agency on those "lonely" times when the kids are with him. We work with one and love the satisfaction.
                            I do alot of foster/rescue with a Dane group I belong too, and I moderate the message board (so you'd think I know better than to hijack a TV thread huh?). I also work with llama rescue (which is why I had 20 up until recently, not so good at the "placement" part!).

                            You should get sweet more often IMO!


                              Look on Craigslist for a TV.

                              There are some great deals out there.

                              A lot of people selling things due to the economy.

                              Many people upgrading to a larger set or one with more features.

                              You could probably save a few hundred dollars.


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