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Withdrawing cash from checking

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    Withdrawing cash from checking

    I am planning on filing in March. How much cash can I safely take out of checking without a trustee asking for proof of how the money was spent? Usually when I pay for things at the grocery store or drug store, I take 20 cash in the transaction, but I would like to have a stash of cash of about 400. If I withdrew 75-100 a week, would it be noticed? What if my grocery bill was only 25, but I took cash to make the transaction 100? I can just toss the receipt.
    Once you lose everything you're free to do anything.
    Filed 10/06/2009
    341 11/12/2009
    Discharged 1/15/2010

    Originally posted by limage View Post
    I am planning on filing in March. How much cash can I safely take out of checking without a trustee asking for proof of how the money was spent? Usually when I pay for things at the grocery store or drug store, I take 20 cash in the transaction, but I would like to have a stash of cash of about 400. If I withdrew 75-100 a week, would it be noticed? What if my grocery bill was only 25, but I took cash to make the transaction 100? I can just toss the receipt.

    Are you asking for advice on how to skirt the law? What is the cash exemption you are allowed in your state?
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


      You can take additional money when you do your groceries. I did. I used to go into a store and purchase 10.00 worth of groceries and take an additional 50.00 in cash. I would do that 2 times a week. They won't question it unless its a ridiculous amount. But hitting it for 50.00 won't really put up a red flag.


        I am sort of in the same boat. We will file in June at the earliest but I have two obligations at the end of the summer that I absolutely have to meet and expect to need $3K to cover them (annual vacation with the in-laws and a modest bridal shower for sister-in-law). Should I slowly withdraw money and put it under the mattress or since I am greater than 90 days out should I do it quicker?


          I was advised not to take more then 600 out at a time as this is the tipping point for preferential payments.

          Not sure if that was right to do either...
          Filed: 11/25/08 - chp 7 no asset
          Discharged: 2/24/09 CLOSED 3/7/09!


            Not that I'm doing this with the money, but couldn't I say I gambled it? Or smoked it. I mean, the money is still mine, I just can't do a luxury. I just want to pay for some things I need and want and I dont want it to look like its disposable income. My income is never consistent and I am getting a larger than usual paycheck. Since I'm not paying my mortgage or credit cards, I actually have some now! And I want to get the money spent up so there is nothing left when I file.

            I just need to file and get this over with. I think.
            Once you lose everything you're free to do anything.
            Filed 10/06/2009
            341 11/12/2009
            Discharged 1/15/2010


              Originally posted by limage View Post
              Not that I'm doing this with the money, but couldn't I say I gambled it? Or smoked it. I mean, the money is still mine, I just can't do a luxury. I just want to pay for some things I need and want and I dont want it to look like its disposable income. My income is never consistent and I am getting a larger than usual paycheck. Since I'm not paying my mortgage or credit cards, I actually have some now! And I want to get the money spent up so there is nothing left when I file.

              I just need to file and get this over with. I think.
              The bottom line is you have to live your life, I wouldn't take the trip to Hawaii, but if you need car work or dental work, now's the time!

              The trustee will be looking for assets, so don't go off buying that 12 carrot diamond, maybe settle for the 3 carrot!

              Don't smoke your money, it's not good for your health!
              Filed: 11/25/08 - chp 7 no asset
              Discharged: 2/24/09 CLOSED 3/7/09!


                My attorney said not more than $600 at a time


                  My attorney said take it all out when paid on payday?? Said pay cash or money order on everything and get receipts. Is that wrong?


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