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Why do I even bother to answer the phone?

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    Why do I even bother to answer the phone?

    Just wanted to rant. I stopped paying my credit cards in December and am waiting to file in March.

    Chase calls every day all day. Sometimes I answer and it seems every time its someone in India calling me. Well gee, I might have a job if so many companies stopped outsourcing to India.... (I do have 4 accounts with them and they call seperatly on all 4 accts)

    My credit union I am assuming could care less, I posted while ago they don't even want to come to Florida to take my truck. They said its only worth 4K and I owe 14K. They are in MD. The called the other day and left a message and that was the first time in a month. I am assuming its because of my line of credit I owe on.

    What pisses me off today is that Amex calls. They don't call too often though. Anyway I told the guy that I had no money to pay him but thanks for the call, goodbye. He calls back! He acted like we got disconnected. I told him I was unemployed and had no funds available, and really didn't have the time to speak further with him and he had the audacity to tell me that since I was unemployed what could I possibly be doing that I didnt have the time to talk? LOL I told him he was breaking the law as he could only contact me and speak with me one a day and hung up. I guess the really do know how to get to people!

    Discover doesnt seem to call much either. They call during the day when I have the phone on silent. Atleast they dont ruin my dinner.

    I worked for a credit counseling place before and someone told me that a collector told them if they wernt going to make a payment they were going to come take her children as collateral LMAO.

    I am going through getting my figures in order and getting my paperwork to submit to my atty for a March filing. I will be happy when the calls stop because its getting quite annoying.

    Tell the joker at AMEX that he is wasting the valuable time you have available to search for another job in order to pay them back! sheeeshh...


      I was up to my last nerve with calls, the scumbags from 1st Financial and they are scumbags called my home at least 20 times a day, and my mobile at least 15 times a day. This isn't even counting my entire family and my wifes family. I tried every tactic: I'm broke, I'll pay next week, Checks in the mail, or the most effective Go F yourself -click. Turns out the best way was too unplug the home line, change my ring tone on my cell to mute for numbers not in my contacts. And I told my family to go with the "Go F yourself line" my wifes family not so much.. Anyway it gets better, it me five months to get enough funds for a case number.


        Next time just say... "Me no en speak english!!.. Se habla Espano, Mama!??"... Guarantee they will go look for a Spanish-spoken Rep with an INDIAN accent ASAP ??? .. Then you'll hang up!!


          Originally posted by BKOnce View Post
          Next time just say... "Me no en speak english!!.. Se habla Espano, Mama!??"... Guarantee they will go look for a Spanish-spoken Rep with an INDIAN accent ASAP ??? .. Then you'll hang up!!
          Man thats a good one, I wish I would of thought of that. It would definatley work.


            We moved as we were losing the home and the phone number changed so we don't get calls from anyone with the exception of one creditor and I don't know how they got the number.
            We have caller ID as many do and we do not answer the phone if it's a number we do not know.
            I think that I would change my phone number, and make it unlisted at that to avoid the calls if I had too.
            Last edited by kenshirley; 02-23-2009, 09:47 AM.


              If the call is from India, try copping a deep-South accent. I have a friend from Texas, and the Indian call centers cannot understand his accent.

              It makes sense, if you think about it. When someone learns a foreign language, they tend to learn it unaccented, or with only the majority accent. For US English, that means the Midwest accent. Anything beyond that may confuse them just enough.
              I think of my bankruptcy less as "walking away" and more as "gnawing my leg off to get out of a trap".


                Originally posted by willowhare View Post
                If the call is from India, try copping a deep-South accent. I have a friend from Texas, and the Indian call centers cannot understand his accent.

                It makes sense, if you think about it. When someone learns a foreign language, they tend to learn it unaccented, or with only the majority accent. For US English, that means the Midwest accent. Anything beyond that may confuse them just enough.
                I'm a midwesterner and I don't have an accent. It's ya'll that have accents!
                Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                  I hung up on one guy and he called right back...he says, "sir, I think we got disconnected."...I replied, "yes we did, and I'm the one who disconnected us."...then hung up again

                  had another call, (female voice), who was being relentless on the i change topic on her and started asking what she was wearing, what kind of perfume, prefference of underwear...she got embarissed or nervous and hung up on me!
                  Ch.7 filed 4/8/09
                  341 5/19/09
                  Ch.7 DISCHARGED 8/9/09!


                    Originally posted by roozterdvx View Post
                    I hung up on one guy and he called right back...he says, "sir, I think we got disconnected."...I replied, "yes we did, and I'm the one who disconnected us."...then hung up again

                    had another call, (female voice), who was being relentless on the i change topic on her and started asking what she was wearing, what kind of perfume, prefference of underwear...she got embarissed or nervous and hung up on me!
                    If you really want to stick it to them - and have some time - keep them on the phone for as long as you can. Put them on hold - every couple of minutes - talk about the economy, the crazy weather we have had, ask where they are calling from - anything to keep them on the phone. Sooner or later - depending on how smart they are - they will figure out what you are doing. - jb
                    jb - A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes.
                    Filed - 2/27/09
                    341 - 4/3/09
                    Discharged - 6/20/2009


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