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Can we have a round up of ppl over day 60 still waiting?

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    I realize in Ca. the courts are sooo backed up that its taking longer than 60 days.
    Question? The creditors cant do anything after 60 days right?
    How about the Trustee? Does that give him more time to do anything? Or is it just a backlog of paperwork?


      I'm in this boat too, but from what I've looked at, anything they were going to do has to have been filed by the 60 day notice if there was anything adversarial, and the sticky at the top of the forum says that it's just administrative/paperwork delays depending on the district. My ex-wife's case was discharged about a week after her 60 days was up, and I'm only 3 days past the deadline, but nothing was filed on PACER. I guess the only thing we can do is just hang tight and wait for it to be official, then enjoy being free of the burden when it happens, unless anyone with anymore experience can affirm this or correct me if I'm wrong, I'm still pretty new to this whole thing.
      Filed C7: 12/31/08
      341 Meeting: 1/26/09
      Last Day for Objections: 3/27/09
      Discharged: 04/01/09 Closed: ??????


        just an update, we are now at day 127. Can not wait for this to be over.


          Originally posted by onlycashnow View Post
          just an update, we are now at day 127. Can not wait for this to be over.
          It took 96 days for mine to discharge - that was back in June 2008 - Im still waiting for mine to close!! (its been OVER a year since I filed!). My case is listed as an assets case - but Im thinking only because my trustee is waiting for my 2008 tax refund (which is exempt anyway as its all Earned Income Credit) - which is really nit picky of him if you ask me, because even if he was entitled to any of it, it would only be 45 days worth as I filed in Feb 2008!! I know discharge is what I should be happiest about, but I just want it closed and done so I can put it behind me


            Originally posted by relief13035 View Post
            I must have everyone beat. We are on day 80 today.

            I called the court yesterday and the lady told me that I should be discharged by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. She told me that the Inland Empire in Southern California has had so many filings that they are extremely backlogged and most discharges aren't happening until the 85-90 day range. She did reaffirm to me that the last day for objections from creditors has already passed, so I am fine.
            I am also going to file in IE Riverside BK court. Finally, on Monday I will file and I hope that you are discharged pretty soon. At least I have a heads up on the time frame.

            How long did it take you from the day of filing to discharge?
            Filed Chapter 7 4/22/2009
            341 Meeting Scheduled 5/27/2009
            Discharged 7/30/2009
            Awaiting closing!!!!


              We are on day 70 and still no discharge...there was no update on the pacer either. I am getting really anxious about this whole thing. We just moved and getting situated so that adds up to my anxiety.
              Filed: Jan 6, 2009
              341 Meeting : Feb 10, 2009 ***ALL WENT WELL***
              April 20, 2009 - DISCHARGE
              April 24, 2009 - CLOSED


                We were not discharged until day 87 and now we are at 160 days since discharge, no asset and still not closed. We are in the middle florida district.


                  My case was finally discharged and closed! 155 days since our 341.

                  341 Meeting: 11/20/2008

                  Good luck to everyone else.


                    Over 270 days since 341 meeting.

                    Cant get a hold of trustee, apparantly incompetant lawyer cant either.


                      Originally posted by mountainmom View Post
                      Over 270 days since 341 meeting.

                      Cant get a hold of trustee, apparantly incompetant lawyer cant either.
                      You need to march yourself right into that courthouse and get that case closed. That's what we had to do!
                      Chapter 7 filed 10/21/2008
                      341 - 11/26 went smooth NO ASSET
                      Took 115 days after 341 - But Finally DISCHARGED 3/25/09


                        Who would I talk to? The person that answers the phone said because ours was an 'assets case' (measly $500 plus our tax return) that wed have to speak to the trustee (who is MIA)


                          Day 78, MDOF is backed up.
                          chpt 7 ,5-2009


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