I am considering chapter 7. I have been living with a roomate i found on craigslist.com for about 7 months now. I am not paying rent. My roomate is retired and partially disabled, so the deal I got with him was to help him with household shores, meals, etc. for free rent. When filing for banktruptcy, will I have to tell my roomate, will he find out eventually??? Obviously, its a bit embarrasing. If so, will his income or providing any sort of documentation be required from him???
Mthly pmts in Unsecured Debt= about $2,000 a mth
Recently started job making $33k/year
Thanks alot for any information...
Mthly pmts in Unsecured Debt= about $2,000 a mth
Recently started job making $33k/year
Thanks alot for any information...