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Please help me understand this...

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    Sorry I can't help but surely someone will chime in soon.


      i wouldn't intentionally disobey the trustee. however you might call and discuss other option's. if there is a desperate immediate need perhaps the trustee would be willing to let you use the money and make payments or ? it never hurt's to ask. but i wouldnt throw my arms in the air and scream no fair and keep it, watcha gonna do sucka type attitude. the trustee represent's the FEDERAL government and i'm pretty sure the consequences of stiffing him/her are SEVERE.

      i have not met nor dealt with my trustee yet. i have prepared myself and my familly to lose everything. i have taken the "bring the u-haul and take whatcha want" stance. i figure whatever i lose is small in contrast to not being able to go bk. live to fight another day ect...

      still suck's though.


        Suppose you're right. The guys impossible to get a hold of and seems to be a heartless @$$hole since I have sent him 3 emails regarding this. I may just go to his office and ask to speak with him.


          ummmm probably not a good idea, just keeping it.

          and for anyone else out there reading this, for the love of god, adjust your withholding so you get more in your check and less at the end of the year.
          Read the Blog: My Personal Experience With Bankruptcy


            Originally posted by CatsInTrouble View Post
            ummmm probably not a good idea, just keeping it.

            and for anyone else out there reading this, for the love of god, adjust your withholding so you get more in your check and less at the end of the year.
            No kidding, I got 300 bucks from the fed and owed the state 160. As it should be, I read on here how people are getting thousands back... geesh open a 401k.
            Filed: 11/25/08 - chp 7 no asset
            Discharged: 2/24/09 CLOSED 3/7/09!


              Okay...for all the apparent CPA's on this site. $3000 of that was EIC plus child tax credit, plus education credit. I am not withholding wrong I just qualified for about every credit there is, thats why I'm gettin a lot back. So instead of telling me how to do my taxes could someone please help with the trustee...


                Hi J Gonz.. I sure hope everything works out for you !! I do have a question on this topic tho, Can a Trustee take your child earned income ?? Thanks and again wish you the best !
                Filed on 7-17-09
                waiting for 341
                341 meeting 8-21-09
                discharged/ case closed 12/23/2009


                  How did you receive the letter? If it wasn't certified there is a chance you never received it? If you received your tax rebate and put it to practical use such as a home payment or car payment it would be easy to apologize and show where the money went. You really want to think on this before you do anything drastic.


                    Rain-YES!! At least in the state of Arizona Earned Income Credits, and Child Tax Credit are NOT exemptions in a Ch. 7.

                    Mi-It was regular mail, that's exactly where the money is going...I NEED it to survive, otherwise my family could be on the streets.


                      Originally posted by albundy View Post
                      i wouldn't intentionally disobey the trustee. however you might call and discuss other option's. if there is a desperate immediate need perhaps the trustee would be willing to let you use the money and make payments or ? it never hurt's to ask. but i wouldnt throw my arms in the air and scream no fair and keep it, watcha gonna do sucka type attitude. the trustee represent's the FEDERAL government and i'm pretty sure the consequences of stiffing him/her are SEVERE.

                      i have not met nor dealt with my trustee yet. i have prepared myself and my familly to lose everything. i have taken the "bring the u-haul and take whatcha want" stance. i figure whatever i lose is small in contrast to not being able to go bk. live to fight another day ect...

                      still suck's though.
                      I think the trustee notifies the IRS and he gets the refund so good luck with this.
                      Chapter 7 07/30/2008
                      341 09/17/2008
                      Discharge 11/21/2008


                        Originally posted by JGonz480 View Post
                        Rain-YES!! At least in the state of Arizona Earned Income Credits, and Child Tax Credit are NOT exemptions in a Ch. 7.

                        Mi-It was regular mail, that's exactly where the money is going...I NEED it to survive, otherwise my family could be on the streets.
                        The same thing is happening to us. Only we had a lawyer and he never told us that our tax return would be taken. We did get a post card (I still can't believe the trustee sent a tiny little post card) and our lawyer said he could exempt it because our case was still open. Nevertheless, it didn't work. We were supposed to get back $6732 (we too qualified for just about every credit) and filed in June, discharged in September. So if it's true that he'll take 6/12 I guess of it, we'll get about half of it back (I hope anyway). It really sucks because we lost our car to so many massive breakdowns that it's not longer driveable and was going to use that money to buy a new one. Our lawyer said that he's still going to fight the trustee because he exempted it and he still took it - (fingers crossed)...

                        One thing that could happen to you which happened to us is that apparently, the trustee put a hold on our taxes back in December according to the IRS so when we filed and asked to have it deposited into our bank account it never went in. When we called to find out what the frick was going on, all hell broke loose. Wouldn't have been half as bad if we would have known it wasn't coming. Keep us posted on what you find out! I wish you the best.


                          This is yet another reason never to file without an attorney..
                          Filed: October 1, 2007 341: December 10, 2007
                          CONFIRMED: December 10, 2007
                          Payment: $825 / Mo. for 5 Years-29 MONTHS OF Pmts Down 23 to go!


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