Is it a good idea to wait and file taxes? I.E. . . ask for an extention until August - since my discharge date is in May.
I will be getting money back - my attorney says he does not recall the trustee mentioning anything about taking my refund, at the 341, nor have I received anything in the mail from him (trustee) - though that could happen anytime before now and May.
Another atty I spoke to, says YES - the trustee WILL take my refund.
Who should I believe?
Should I file later?
Does that even matter since the money is 2008 tax money?
I will be getting money back - my attorney says he does not recall the trustee mentioning anything about taking my refund, at the 341, nor have I received anything in the mail from him (trustee) - though that could happen anytime before now and May.
Another atty I spoke to, says YES - the trustee WILL take my refund.
Who should I believe?
Should I file later?
Does that even matter since the money is 2008 tax money?