I am SO extremely confused and lost and my attorney has been of little help.
Filed on 11/21/08.
Had the 341 on 12/31/08.
I received a reaff agreement from my credit union early January.
Called my attorney and asked him what this was all about - he gave me a run around answer which for the most part concluded with him telling me its "against his religion" to do them but if I wanted to, it would cost me an additional $200 AND the possibility of going to a hearing and thus cost me even more than I had initially paid him to file the bankruptcy (rougly $3000). I tried to ask questions to get a better understand of what he meant - he really gave me nothing. I've emailed him questions - I get short one sentence answers - my last email to him a week ago has been ignored thusfar. Seems to me like he's gotten his money and is done with this/me. Done alot of research myself, including posting questions to a legal forum - still lost.
My question is this: WHAT do I do??
I owe roughly $2000 and change left on my car loan (originally $15k) - which I have been paying in a timely manner. Never missed a payment, etc.
KBB said the value is $13K.
From what I'm reading..if the atty. doesn't sign/certify it....and I submit it anyways, i'll end up going to a hearing and then hope they deny me and thus not have my car repo'ed. Is this correct?
Do I want to do this??
The atty says that if I just keep making payments as I have been..likely they won't repo my car. He suggests hiding it and looking over my shoulder though - just in case. Wow. I really don't want to live like this.
He also says he cannot promise they won't take my car. He also says that IF I file the agreement.. it will only draw attention to me.
If I do have to go to a hearing on my own - I wouldn't know the first thing to do or say!
Should I simply contact my CU and ask them what I can do to ensure they won't repo my car?? Or will calling them draw attention to me and then the possibility of them repo'ing?
Lastly.. IF I don't file.. and IF I keep making payments.. and IF I make it thru my discharge date (May)... and IF the payments are not yet finished.. should I/could I.. just "hide" my car... i.e.. switch with a friend for a while..until the payments are made.. then get the title and be done with it?
In the end, I just want to save my car. I have paid so much into it. I can't lose it - I depend on it to get to work, get my child to school...etc..
My lawyer says I should think about what is more important - clearing my dept or saving my car. I asked him if he planned on driving me to work each day then if I lose my car. He just looked at me...
Help - and sorry for the long post...
Filed on 11/21/08.
Had the 341 on 12/31/08.
I received a reaff agreement from my credit union early January.
Called my attorney and asked him what this was all about - he gave me a run around answer which for the most part concluded with him telling me its "against his religion" to do them but if I wanted to, it would cost me an additional $200 AND the possibility of going to a hearing and thus cost me even more than I had initially paid him to file the bankruptcy (rougly $3000). I tried to ask questions to get a better understand of what he meant - he really gave me nothing. I've emailed him questions - I get short one sentence answers - my last email to him a week ago has been ignored thusfar. Seems to me like he's gotten his money and is done with this/me. Done alot of research myself, including posting questions to a legal forum - still lost.
My question is this: WHAT do I do??
I owe roughly $2000 and change left on my car loan (originally $15k) - which I have been paying in a timely manner. Never missed a payment, etc.
KBB said the value is $13K.
From what I'm reading..if the atty. doesn't sign/certify it....and I submit it anyways, i'll end up going to a hearing and then hope they deny me and thus not have my car repo'ed. Is this correct?
Do I want to do this??
The atty says that if I just keep making payments as I have been..likely they won't repo my car. He suggests hiding it and looking over my shoulder though - just in case. Wow. I really don't want to live like this.
He also says he cannot promise they won't take my car. He also says that IF I file the agreement.. it will only draw attention to me.
If I do have to go to a hearing on my own - I wouldn't know the first thing to do or say!
Should I simply contact my CU and ask them what I can do to ensure they won't repo my car?? Or will calling them draw attention to me and then the possibility of them repo'ing?
Lastly.. IF I don't file.. and IF I keep making payments.. and IF I make it thru my discharge date (May)... and IF the payments are not yet finished.. should I/could I.. just "hide" my car... i.e.. switch with a friend for a while..until the payments are made.. then get the title and be done with it?
In the end, I just want to save my car. I have paid so much into it. I can't lose it - I depend on it to get to work, get my child to school...etc..
My lawyer says I should think about what is more important - clearing my dept or saving my car. I asked him if he planned on driving me to work each day then if I lose my car. He just looked at me...
Help - and sorry for the long post...