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My mom's 341 meeting

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    My mom's 341 meeting

    OK.. she's home!!!
    She was LAST to be called, but the ONLY one that filed pro se!! Now that makes me feel good.

    She said that the trustee asked her if she had council and she said "no", so she had to fill out some paper.. and he asked her her address and if she still worked at the grocery store and how much her rent was etc.. and then stamped her papers and said, "OK".

    I feel so great right now! I am so glad she went by herself.. I know it was hard, but she needed it to be hard. I told her "if I would have held your hand through it all, it wouldn't have been traumatic enough"..

    The good news is, in the last 6 weeks, she has been able to put away almost $300. I told her that's GREAT, and to keep it up! My mom has never even so much as put $100 away in her LIFE! So this is a HUGE step for her! With the money in her savings, she now has almost $500. I know it's not much, but it's more then $0.

    So now what? Do the creditors have 60 or 90 days? Should I watch PACER now? What area of PACER do I watch..

    Oh, this is SO exciting!! Now if I win my case in court (neighbors dogs/potentially dangerous, we won once, she appealed it, have to go back Friday).. I will be ONE thrilled gal! I also found out today we have TWO.. not one, but TWO interested people interested in buying our house. One is waiting for a counter offer on their house, the other is waiting for a pre-approval letter.. (they tried to offer on Saturday, but the agent wouldn't accept an offer with out the pre-approval!) So maybe.. just maybe.. this is the start of something good for me and my family!!

    Sounds like you're on a roll! Good luck w/ packing if/when it comes to it!

    Its good to hear your mom's 341 went well-I'm nervous at the thought they may go harder on Pro Se filers, but so far I haven't heard anything like that happening.
    Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


      From what I understood my mom to say, they were harder on the others then they were on her. Nit-picking all the forms and such.. but then again, there were some weird things. Like this one guy, apparently he said he had never been married, but said he was legally separated. When asked about this, the guy said he wasn't married but was with the gal for 10 years (apparently thinking of common law marriage??) when the trustee said, "then you were never married.. so you can't be separated".. then asked the attorney why he put separated and checked the box for married. The attorney just said it must have been an oversight.

      There were many other stories like that.. and I am sure they all had good reasons (red flags) to be questioned, but mom's went just swimmingly.


        Whittio-did the trustee (or BK court, or whoever) contact your mom before the 341 regarding additional paperwork? Generally, you show your check stubs, tax returns, etc. to the attorney before filing but not so if Pro Se.

        I'll have everything on hand at the 341, I'm just curious. I don't save bank statements-don't know if I need to request them from the bank or how much $$ that will cost!
        Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


          I made my mom take her drivers license, S.S. card, 1 year bank statements, (which her statements have copies of her canceled checks, bank deposits/with-drawls).. I also copied off 3 years of her taxes.

          The only thing he asked to see were the drivers license and the S.S. card.

          I told her, "if you don't take it, you'll need it.. if you take it, you won't need it." I would rather be safe then sorry. He never contacted her prior. I would say if you don't get any letter, then just take what you have. (start saving bank statements now, I can print my online banking statement for 2 or 3 months I think.. that might be enough?)


            I would take at least three months of bank statements, can you maybe get them on line or go ahead and order just the bank statement, you have your register, I wouldn't waste money on copies of canceled checks unless the trustee contacts you before the 341 and requests those. If he wants more, he will probably give you the time to send them to him. I agree on the:take them you won't need them then, approach.
            Whittio, Hooray for your mom, her savings sounds like that is a giant step for her and hopefully she can continue. good luck on the house and court. Also, check the history or status section of Pacer, think that is correct. Please keep us posted, maybe we should all exchange cards at Christmas, of course there is always a ba hum bug in every crowd.
            I'll be watching, you may never know when or how, but I'll be there. I am there now....


              I can get at least late July til Oct... We closed out 1 account & opened another in July as someone accessed our account. (On the bright side - our bank was great about fixing it and moved debit cards to the new account so we had very little down time.) We don't write many checks-live mostly by the debit card & online bill pay. Reading the statements is going to give the idea we're compulsive grocery shoppers, LOL. But-we buy gas, groceries, cleaning supplies, personal items, school supplies, etc. at the same store!
              Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


                I would just keep what you have at this point, and hope that he doesn't contact you for more. If he does, get what he wants, if not, just take the 3 months worth.

                I do the same thing Staci, I buy $200 at Costco every month, about $75 at Walmart (toilet paper/cereal/shampoo) but everything else comes from Food4Less. I buy EVERYTHING at those stores. So my "grocery spending" is out of this world!

                I will keep everyone here posted. I think mom has 60 days to wait for any objections, so that puts her at the end of November. That will be a nice Christmas gift for her.

                She only has 2 cards, so if they both report "discharged" prior to the 60 days, does that mean everything is closed and done?

                Thanks for the good wishes for court and my house. I can just see us going to court, getting our ruling (again) and having closure on that, mom having closure on the BK, and us finally getting to walk away from here and starting our big adventure!


                  Just checked PACER, not much new, but did see this for the first time..

                  Meeting of Creditors to be held on 09/20/2005 at 10:00 AM at Meeting Room 7-A. Last day to oppose discharge: 11/21/2005.

                  So 60 days.. I have read here sometimes 90 days. 60 is good.


                    Be real proud of mom - she did great by herself....

                    Now 60 days from now she should see her discharge on Pacer......

                    Hope you sell your house and come back to a quiet more relaxing won't be sorry....

                    Let me know where you land in Tenn.....maybe we can get together and do "lunch"..... I'm right up the road from the Tenn border....

                    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                      Oh Minny, I never looked at your location. We're going to eastern TN, Greeneville to be exact. I am not sure when or how, but that's been the plan since January. We're trying!

                      We have TWO people interested in our house now. Funny how you can wait so long for something, and then WHAMO it all happens at once.

                      One couple came on the 9th, and loved our house, went home to L.A. and listed their house, had 3 offers the first day, but all for less then the asking price, so they waited to offer on ours. My agent called their agent on Friday, and their agent said they had a good offer, they were countering and once the counter was accepted, they would offer on ours.

                      Then Saturday there was another couple who came, they LOVED our house, and went back to write up an offer, problem was, they didn't have a pre-qualification letter, so the agent wouldn't take the offer! So they went home, listed their house, and are trying to obtain a pre-qual letter.

                      My agent called the first peoples agent yesterday, let her know that we now had other interested people, and were expecting an offer very soon. I have no doubt that will get someone off their duff, and no doubt, give us a "GOOD" offer.

                      Our house is priced very competitively. Houses are selling around here for about $245-$260 a sf. Although they are being listed for about $300sf. We listed at $244sf and hope we get a close to full price offer. We do have a $4000 bonus for the selling agent IF they get full price. Now if they get $458k (we are listed for $459) we only come down $1000 on our price, but the selling agent doesn't get the $4000 bonus, so we actually pocket $3000 more!

                      I just can't stand waiting!!!!


                        Hope it all goes well for you, selling houses can be a pain too.....been there, done that also.....
                        But hopefully everything will get straightened out in our lives and you guys can get transplanted back to Tenn and a quieter lifestyle for your family and your mom......

                        Keep us posted on it all,

                        Best wishes,


                        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                          OK, I just checked PACER and found the trustee's report of no distribution..

                          I, Michael F. Burkart, Trustee in Bankruptcy, Trustee, having been appointed trustee of the estate of the above-named debtor(s), report that I have neither received any property nor paid any money on account of this estate except exempt property; that I have made a diligent inquiry into the financial affairs of the debtor(s) and the location of the property belonging to the estate; and that there is no property available for distribution from the estate over and above that exempted by law.

                          Pursuant to FRBP 5009, I hereby certify that the estate of the above-named debtor(s) has/have been fully administered.

                          I request that this report be approved, and that I be discharged from further duties as trustee.

                          Now.. there's another page that I found.. It says, "last day to file an objection 10/21/05" that's only 30 days!!?? Why is that??

                          And where is it listed on PACER that I can look up if the two cc's have discharged the debt??


                            Would that be the last day for the trustee to file an objection to the exemptions?

                            Anyway, it sounds good, and all your work is paying off!

                            I didn't know you could check that about the cc on pacer....


                              I don't think you can get a list of 'discharged' accounts. The discharge notice will just say that any dischargeable debts are discharged.

                              Interesting that the last day for objections is sooner. Discharge will probably still be about 90 days after filing.
                              Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


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