Got my Discharge: 2/3/09. Just check pacer and it says CASE CLOSED 2/6/09
OMG!!!! IM SO HAPPY, i dont even know what to do. I am in awe! What do I worry about now?!?! This has been a 8 month journey well worth it!
If anyone has any questions regarding 722 redemption or anything, i will answer them as best as i can. Im so used to sitting at the computer, trying to figure out what bills to pay first, and how to rob peter to pay paul. I CAN BREATHE!
OMG!!!! IM SO HAPPY, i dont even know what to do. I am in awe! What do I worry about now?!?! This has been a 8 month journey well worth it!
If anyone has any questions regarding 722 redemption or anything, i will answer them as best as i can. Im so used to sitting at the computer, trying to figure out what bills to pay first, and how to rob peter to pay paul. I CAN BREATHE!