Keep the card or cards that you've had open the longest. That will do the best for your credit report and score. Since you're not going to charge anything on them, the interest rate means nothing. If you borrow nothing, you pay no interest. Don't keep a card if it has an annual fee and you have another that doesn't. Annual fees are a waste of money.
The amount of credit you have available or the number of credit cards you have does not have an impact on your vulnerability to identity theft. ID thieves simply open new lines. It is very rare that an existing credit card number can be used fraudulently while the card is in your possession.
The amount of credit you have available or the number of credit cards you have does not have an impact on your vulnerability to identity theft. ID thieves simply open new lines. It is very rare that an existing credit card number can be used fraudulently while the card is in your possession.