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FloridaGuy is right. I had to provide 2 years bank statements, 4 yrs tax returns (corp and individual as I am self employeed), 3 yrs cc statements, 10 years of real estate purchases and sales, 4 yrs vehicle purchases and sales, etc, etc. It was about 4 reams of copies - took up an entire file box, letter sized. I am in S. Fl. so maybe it is a Fl thing??
Retained bk7 laywer 8-12-08, Filed 12-22, 341 Meeting Scheduled 1-29-09 Discharged 4-17-09!!!
Reason for filing: Medical, NOT irresponsibility with credit. "Sometimes you have to fall before you fly"
The trustee in my case never asked for bank statements but at the 341 asked for them, I was glad i brought them. He asked for the last 3 months worth for each account, looked at each of them for about 2 seconds and handed them back to me.
9/5/2008 Chapter 7 Filed
10/14/2008 341 Hearing held
12/16/2008 Discharge granted!
12/29/08 Case Closed!
I think the concensus is, if you're self-employed, you'll have to have a cart to carry things in to the UST to see...Heh!
But in regards to the Ch 7's I'm seeing people are prepared, but they don't have to go to extremes unless they had things occuring in the recent past that raises flags.
I think I'll change my mind and start getting ready myself. I filed 2007 and can get trans script, 2008 in coming soon, man that'll be interesting. Had 3 employers...
Have done one thing smart, every week I get paid (Direct deposit) I just chuck the advices into a drawer...Nothing else goes in there, just looked and have 17 weeks worth so far..Plus having computer access to bank accounts, can download info for trustee and so should be ok...Just gotta get new info from credit reports for the odd occurance (Judgements and such) and I guess I'll be good to go...