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can the trustee get statements from your bank?

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    can the trustee get statements from your bank?

    Can the trustee get your bank statements from the bank directly by going there or must they get them from you?

    Anouther words if they want to see more information can they get the bank to send the statements directly to them or must the trustee have you get the statements then you or your lawyer give them to the truestee?

    Can the trustee get information from the bank with our your knowlege?

    Originally posted by indy View Post
    Can the trustee get your bank statements from the bank directly by going there or must they get them from you?

    Anouther words if they want to see more information can they get the bank to send the statements directly to them or must the trustee have you get the statements then you or your lawyer give them to the truestee?

    Can the trustee get information from the bank with our your knowlege?
    No they can't. The Trustee can't even get your tax returns without your permission. LOL

    That's why they ask you for them.

    However, that would not stop the Trustee from getting a subpoena issued by the judge.

    This will only happen in cases where you are being audited. Generally, they won't go looking as you have signed the forms under penalty of perjury (jail time).
    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
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    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


      Statements are statements. The statements you provide the trustee are the same that the banks have in/on their computer systems.


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