If you have a stock account that has some money in it, of course it will fluxuate day by day. What happens if the balance of the account moves big in one direction or the the other.
What protected and what happens if it increases in value during the BK?
For example if the account is worth 4000 on the day that we file then goes up to 6000 the next month is the 4000 the amount protected because that was the balance on the day of filing or can they come after the other 2000, "Note that the balace changes second by second" so it may just as well be down the next day.
Hope this makes sense.
What protected and what happens if it increases in value during the BK?
For example if the account is worth 4000 on the day that we file then goes up to 6000 the next month is the 4000 the amount protected because that was the balance on the day of filing or can they come after the other 2000, "Note that the balace changes second by second" so it may just as well be down the next day.
Hope this makes sense.