I know it's a discharge order, but I think it also means the case is closed? Is that correct?
IT IS ORDERED that the report is APPROVED, the Trustee is DISCHARGED from and
relieved of the trust; the surety or sureties thereon are released from further liability thereunder,
except any liability which may have occurred during the time such bond was in effect and the
estate is CLOSED.
Another quick question. Do we have to turn over our 2008 tax returns to the trustee when we get them in early 2009? At our 341 meeting, the trustee told everyone they had to turn over 2008 tax returns and filings, and if they didn't, he would recommend the BKs be dismissed. I've tried asking him via email if he meant the taxes we filed in 2008 for 2007 (which we turned in to him), or if he meant the 2008 taxes in 2009 too. No reply. We are pro se, and I don't want to screw up something; at the same time, I don't see how he could claim tax refunds after the case is closed.
Just double checking with ya'll. 
IT IS ORDERED that the report is APPROVED, the Trustee is DISCHARGED from and
relieved of the trust; the surety or sureties thereon are released from further liability thereunder,
except any liability which may have occurred during the time such bond was in effect and the
estate is CLOSED.
Another quick question. Do we have to turn over our 2008 tax returns to the trustee when we get them in early 2009? At our 341 meeting, the trustee told everyone they had to turn over 2008 tax returns and filings, and if they didn't, he would recommend the BKs be dismissed. I've tried asking him via email if he meant the taxes we filed in 2008 for 2007 (which we turned in to him), or if he meant the 2008 taxes in 2009 too. No reply. We are pro se, and I don't want to screw up something; at the same time, I don't see how he could claim tax refunds after the case is closed.
