I have decided to amend my creditor list on my own. After much Googling I found not a whole lot. I see I just send in a list of the creditor/s I forgot. I also know about the $26 fee. I also know where to file. My question is, is there an additional form you need to file with the matrix, such as an amendment form or just the plain old matrix? If so, in Wisconsin I cannot find one anywhere, even on the official Western District web page.
I have decided to amend my creditor list on my own. After much Googling I found not a whole lot. I see I just send in a list of the creditor/s I forgot. I also know about the $26 fee. I also know where to file. My question is, is there an additional form you need to file with the matrix, such as an amendment form or just the plain old matrix? If so, in Wisconsin I cannot find one anywhere, even on the official Western District web page.