OK very strange.....when we filed our 7 back in April we chose to reaffirm the two cars...later (before the discharge) we canceled the refirmations on both. Now here we are 2+ months no payment and past discharge and they have not come to get the cars. So I called the auto loan people. They told me that I would have to call the attorney who handles their Bk's. I called and spoke with that office and they told me that they would get back to me and they had to talk to the original creditor.....this is so weird. That was only one of the cars...different attorney office for the other (go figure?). All I want to do is surrender the cars. I gave them the exact location of the cars and updated my phone number and everything. The one lady at the original creditors office told me I might have to write a surrender letter. I said, "surrender letter? I am not even making payments and you wrote off over 10K you come get it!"
This is sooo bizzare! Until then I guess I will keep them and drive them since they get good gas mileage. Do I have to keep collision insurance on them or just liability? Since there is technically no loan.
This is sooo bizzare! Until then I guess I will keep them and drive them since they get good gas mileage. Do I have to keep collision insurance on them or just liability? Since there is technically no loan.