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Today is the day... 341 this morning

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    Today is the day... 341 this morning

    Hello everyone,

    Well, today is the day of our 341. I am sure that, like just about everyone else here, that it will go fine. Our lawyer had told us, that although everyone worries about these, there is really no reason to worry. He also seems to have a relationship with our trustee, and said that he is a very reasonable and understanding man. We can expect questions such as "How did you arrive at the valuation of your home (this years tax bill)" and "Has your income changed materially since you filed?"

    Our district serves a large area, with some people coming from as far away as 100 miles. The hearings are held in segments throughout the day (they have just increased the number of 341s from one to two per month.) We are supposed to go in, and he makes his general speech first He said that the trustee will take any people with small children first. Of course, they don't recommend bringing children, but some people can't avoid it. When he is done with someone with a child, he will joke about the family with the child being able to make some extra money by renting the child to someone else who wants to get in and out. Next, he will take the people from the furthest away. We will probably end up going close to the end, as we live about four miles from the court.

    But there are advantages to that... we can see the process first hand before we have to go.

    Everything has been pretty quiet since our filing. From what I understand, you would generally hear before your 341 if something is going wrong. Our lawyer told us to just bring our licenses and social security cards, be there about 20 minutes early,where he would meet with us and see if there are any changes or questions, and we should be good.

    Probably this day, along with August 20, the date of filing, will not go down in the annals of my mind as the greatest days in my life, but I have come to realize that sometimes, some people need a fresh start. We are firmly committed to making the most of this chance. We will bounce back very quickly. In fact, I wish that I had come to this realization three years ago.

    I will come back later, and let everyone know how it goes.
    Filed 8/08 - Discharged 11/08! Not tracking FICO.
    Pre-Bankruptcy Net Worth: -$72,000... Today's net worth: $142,000.
    If your FICO score just went higher than your net worth, and you are happy about this, you might have a financial problem!

    Good luck. Sounds like you've got a good lawyer who has everything in control. You're right, you will bounce back and stronger than ever.
    The future is unwritten. J.S.


      Good Luck ... It will All be GOOD !!


        Good luck never again!! Sending you positive relaxing vibes:-)



          Good luck to you, Never Again. Sounds like you've got a wonderful, caring lawyer, and here's hoping it's smooth sailing. Let us know how it goes!
          Filed chapter 7: June 9, 2008
          341 meeting: July 18, 2008
          last day for objections: September 16, 2008
          DISCHARGED September 18, 2008 - CLOSED September 29, 2008


            Good luck!!! Sounds like you are in great hands
            Filed Ch 7 - 07/10/08
            341 Meeting - 08/13/08
            DISCHARGED! - 10/15/08
            CLOSED - 10/20/08


              Can't wait to hear how it goes!


                good luck let us know how you made out
                Chapter 7 07/30/2008
                341 09/17/2008
                Discharge 11/21/2008


                  Good luck and please keep us all posted! (It will be fine, I am sure).
                  Filed Ch 7 -- July 9, 2008
                  341 mtg ---- August 14, 2008
                  Discharged ---- October 17, 2008
                  Closed --------- December 11, 2009!


                    You have my very best wishes for a good outcome!
                    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

                    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


                      It is rare to have a good lawyer. You are blessed and will be fine. 'Hub
                      If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                        Good thoughts for your day
                        Filed C7 Aug 31 2008
                        341 Oct 8 2008
                        Discharged Dec 9 2008


                          Goodluck to you today..


                            Hope all went well for you.


                              Hopefully it is over with by now and it went well... how was it?


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