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    I drive it every day now and since May when I bought it. It drives fine. I just noticed that everytime I have been in stop and go traffic for about an hour, the engine light comes on. But it is never on when I want to take it to an Auto Zone to see what's wrong with it. It could just be a sensor or something really inexpensive, but I'm not sure. It was well taken care of before I bought it, because it was a company car for a company whose name escapes me right now. But anyway, when I first bought the car I had checked the VIN # on it and all the maintenance records pulled up. It has had regular oil changes and maintenance and it has not been in any major accidents or anything. So, I'm a little worried about the light but it might not be a big deal. The brakes were replaced by the dealer right after I bought it, but I noticed the other day when I really had to slam really hard on the brakes because of some fool that had stopped in the middle of the road, the brakes kind of jammed up. So, I just want to get that checked out, too. Other than those two things, the ac, automatic windows, stereo, steering, etc. all work great.


      So, to answer your question, all of my secured debts were included in the BK, including this car. So, if I do not reaffirm, I will not be held liable for the balance. But, I will have to give the car back, and this is what I am saying I want to drag out for a few more months, by continuing to make the payments.


        Sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it too, this may be one of those times.
        If you surrender you car you will have it to drive until they pick it up(could be one month could be 6 month??)
        Take your chances, keep making payments, as long as they are getting money, they don't want the vehicle......

        Good Luck.....


        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


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