Originally posted by debtmonster
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Hand your wife the books, and make HER balance them, and make payments on EVERYTHING. If she refuses to do it, then you have your answer. You will have to decide if your life is better WITH her, or WITHOUT her. At this point, I think you have MANY MAJOR decisions to make.
When 'Hub and I first thought about getting married, my church has a mandatory pre-nuputual counseling session that you must complete or you cannot be maried in my church. Of about 10 seminars that we went to, 8 of them dealt with MONEY and how to handle it. The major break point for couples is the MONEY issue.
But again I say, hand over the books to the Mrs (save out some cash for yourself for your emergency fund) and LET HER FLOUNDER TRYING TO PAY EVERYTHING.
Have I screamed it loud enough?
Good luck to you my friend. You have more problems than just 'money issues'.