Well, I just finished crossing the T's and dotting the I's of my pro-se chapter 7 petition and I'm going down in the morning to file.
I am pretty sure that I filled everything out correctly, but if I did miss something, what are the chances that my case will be thrown out? I mean, how picky are they? I read a few posts where people were talking about petitions done by attorneys that weren't prepared very well. I've done a lot of work on this and tried to make sure everything is correct and complete, but I'm scared to death that I may have missed something.
I am pretty sure that I filled everything out correctly, but if I did miss something, what are the chances that my case will be thrown out? I mean, how picky are they? I read a few posts where people were talking about petitions done by attorneys that weren't prepared very well. I've done a lot of work on this and tried to make sure everything is correct and complete, but I'm scared to death that I may have missed something.