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Will I be able to file Chapter 7????

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    Thanks... Sorry I will send PM going forward.


      Originally posted by deadbrokeinnc View Post
      How can I find an attorney that was also a trustee??? I think that's a great idea.
      That should be fairly simple. If you're in Greensboro, NC you are in the Middle District of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in North Carolina. Go to their website -- -- and there's a link at the far lower left for Trustees (in NC, actually "administrators" but it's the same difference for the most part) which will take you to a list of the current Chapter 7 trustees. Using this list, see if any are also taking new Ch7 cases by comparing it to a list of bk attys (you could even use the phone book, or to find a list of practicing bk attorneys) and see what names match. You may get several, you may get one, but those are the ones I'd want.

      It'll take a few minutes, but it'll be time WELL spent. In cases where an atty is needed -- bk or any other kind of matter -- a poor or even mediocre atty can be the difference between success and failure. Not every Ch7 trustee is an atty who also practices bk on the side, but the ones who do are a really good find. And while you're at it, take a good look at that website as a whole; it's chock full of stuff. The website for the Eastern District -- -- has a really good guide for pro se filers that explains many things; even though you won't be representing yourself it's good information. Good luck!!!

      Here's the direct link to the trustee list:
      Last edited by FreshLikeADaisy; 04-18-2008, 11:45 AM. Reason: speeling error in link
      Nolo Press book on filing Chapter 7, there are others too. (I have no affiliation with Nolo Press; just a happy customer.) Best wishes to you!


        One caution - be sure NOT to contact every trustee in your local court. That contaminates the trustee pool and will force the court to bring in an untainted trustee from another local court to take your case when you file. This is not a good way to keep below the trustee and court radar
        I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

        06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
        06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
        07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
        10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
        01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
        09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
        06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
        08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

        10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
        Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go



          THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I was able to go to the links and research. I think I might have found two. This process can be so stressful, but this forum and post from helpful people like yourself helps so much. I will decide on one and call about rates I will post with an update.
          Thanks again to the both of you.
          Last edited by deadbrokeinnc; 04-16-2008, 08:32 PM.


            Originally posted by deadbrokeinnc View Post
            I am in Greensboro, NC. Any suggestions???
            Sorry don't know any lawyers in that area, that's Central District I think.
            May 31st, 2007: Petition Filed by my lawyer
            July 2nd, 2007: 341 Meeting Held
            September 4th, 2007: Discharged and Closed.


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