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This is one of the best forums on the internet, bar none.
I participate in many and most are full of people fighting and calling each other names and people being rude in general.
It's a breath of fresh air to come here where people are nice, and care about each other.
We got our "Closed", too and now it's just a matter of my wife getting a good job and me getting more hours at work (or finding a better job) and then saving saving saving!
<<I am NOT an attorney, my comments are anecdotal only. Contact an attorney for advice>> FINALLY DISCHARGED92 DAYS AFTER THE 341! A NEW START!!!
an attorney who screwed up my petition and didn't show up to my 341 .
Wow, I thought we were the only unlucky people that happened to. How did your trustee handle it? Ours was really angry. He refused to talk to us without an attorney and told us to sit and wait until everybody else had gone. He ended up asking another lawyer who had 3 different clients there that day to sit in for our attorney. I think he was a friend of the trustee and as luck would have it he was a friend of our attorney as well.
There was an error on our paperwork, and it had something to do with our house. I forget what it was exactly, but the attorney that filled in took care of calling our attorney and telling him what had to be amended. I would hate to have been the next person our lawyer represented at their 341 meeting. In the end it all worked out, but it made an already stressful situation even more stressful. Guess which attorney we recommend to people that are thinking about bankruptcy?
Congrats on your discharge!! It really is a great feeling.
Pa, Congrats.. I wanted to be the first one to congratulate you, but I am sorry I couldn't. But I am sure you know how happy I am for you.
You have been one of the best here for me. You have read my questions (and whines) and worries and have answered them so much in details & care and attention that now I feel kind of sad that you won't be cheking in here anymore. But thats ok, I guess. I am happy for you and your family and wish the best for you in your new, fresh start. Have fun with it. Break a bottle of champagne and plan for a relaxing vacation. Take care ..EJ
I am NOT an attorney, anything I say here is not a legal advice.
I just wanted to say thanks and CONGRATULATIONS Pa! Reading your posts this past year has been a huge help and comfort to us all. More than you'll probably ever know.
Go be happy! I wish you and your family all that will bring you joy, peace, health and prosperity. Please stay in touch!!