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These days I am being kind of nosey, keep checking your signature hopefully to see you discharged.
Don't worry. It will come, you just promise check back with us.
Any day now Pa, any day. We are all rooting for you....kick em hard
I am NOT an attorney, anything I say here is not a legal advice.
I feel your pain. . . our 341 was October 29, 2007 and still no discharge. We have had one bump in the road after another. We are hoping that we will get our discharge next week. 126 days today!
Last edited by millerc507; 03-03-2008, 05:32 PM.
Reason: wrong date
pa.. did you call the bk clerk and ask her/him whats up? I did and got my discharge that day.. maybe if you call, someone can explain whats the deal with 90 days thats unacceptable.. Good luck
*Filed Chp 7 bk 11/13/07 PRO SE :yahoo::yahoo:[x]
*Last day to Objection 02/19/2008 :yahoo: [x]
*DISCHARGED 2/25/08!!:cry::yahoo: CLOSED 2/29/08
TransUnion 538 Experian 519 Equifax 531
pa.. did you call the bk clerk and ask her/him whats up? I did and got my discharge that day.. maybe if you call, someone can explain whats the deal with 90 days thats unacceptable.. Good luck
Yes, I called the Clerks Office on the 10th day or so, and was told, "It takes a couple weeks sometimes", "the Trustee has to turn in the paperwork to us, and then we have to give it our stamp of approval", something like that. Then she said "What's your last name?" I told her and she left for a minute, came back, and said, "Well, I'll watch for it". That was about 2 weeks ago. I'm going to wait another week before I call again (not that calling will do me any good then, either).
There are probably hundreds of cases per day in L.A., our Trustee had maybe 30-40 cases the day we had our's and I imagine he does that several days a week - though I don't really know. I read where the mortgage crisis is huge here, and I personally know someone in foreclosure and bankruptcy, so I imagine it's just a matter of the powers that be being inundated with cases.
Anyway, someone else told me it can take over 30 days past the 341 to get the discharge notice on Pacer, then another week or so for the Closed notice. I was hoping - beyond hope, apparently - that this would not be the case with us, but apparently it is.
As far as I know there is nothing WRONG with our case - no entries on Pacer at all since Jan 10th - and we had no bumps in our road that I am aware of - that is, after the 341 which was a bit more nerve-wracking than most due to the UST listening in and asking a few questions - but it's probably just the Trustee and/or the Clerks office being bogged down and/or lazy.
It's just that *WAITING SUCKS*! I thought I was done with "the waiting part" after our 60 days were up! But noooooooooo!
I might have to break out the valium again. I'm just not good at waiting.
<<I am NOT an attorney, my comments are anecdotal only. Contact an attorney for advice>> FINALLY DISCHARGED92 DAYS AFTER THE 341! A NEW START!!!
I feel your pain. . . our 341 was October 29, 2007 and still no discharge. We have had one bump in the road after another. We are hoping that we will get our discharge next week. 126 days today!
Wow! I really feel your pain, and hope you get your discharge SOON! If you hate waiting as much as I do, it must be a lot of stress waiting that long!
<<I am NOT an attorney, my comments are anecdotal only. Contact an attorney for advice>> FINALLY DISCHARGED92 DAYS AFTER THE 341! A NEW START!!!
Can I get permission... to kick my Trustee's *ss?
(see signature - I'm going on 90 days since the 341)
I think so, however you will probably need pay your attorney about $250 in additional fees to file a motion with the court requesting permission to do so.........
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Couldn't resist. You just cracked me up!!!!!!
You can't have your cake and eat it too. But you can dip your finger in the bowl and lick the icing
I waited about two weeks after our 60 days was up then shot an email off to my lawyer asking what was up. He looked into it and it turned out that our debtor education class didn't get filed (I'm actually guessing computer glitch since I remember signing the form and my lawyer really thought he remembered to file it, I even thought I saw it on PACER). But anyway he refiled the form and we were discharged that same day.
And while I didn't have my trustee's email address. I know for a fact that my lawyer does. So anytime I needed to know something our lawyer shot an email off to the trustee and we usually had our answer later that same day. If the trustee didn't get back to our lawyer he would ask them once a week when he saw them at 341 meeting.
Have you tried emailing your lawyer? (speaking of witch I wonder if the trustee has released my tax return yet)
Filed: 10/26/2006
Discharged: 03/05/2007
Closed: 5/19/2008 - Asset case due to balance transfer and income tax refund
Can you kick mine's too while you are at it????? LOL!
11/14/07 -filed C7 12/04/07 -case pulled for random audit.12/18/07 -341 held: Asset case due to engagement ring & tax return.02/19/08 - US trustee files motion to extend.04/02/08- changed back to NO ASSET! I get my ring back and get to keep my tax return! :clapping: 04/28/08 -DISCHARGED!!! :yahoo::yahoo: 05/07/08 - CLOSED!!!
I think so, however you will probably need pay your attorney about $250 in additional fees to file a motion with the court requesting permission to do so.........
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! Couldn't resist. You just cracked me up!!!!!!
At THIS point I would pay the $250 to give him a swift kick in the butt, if we would also get our Discharge and Closed posted tomorrow!
And, DivorceRuinedMe, maybe we can get a 2-for-1 price!
<<I am NOT an attorney, my comments are anecdotal only. Contact an attorney for advice>> FINALLY DISCHARGED92 DAYS AFTER THE 341! A NEW START!!!