We currently are renting a house for a year long lease. We've been in the home for three months. Because of our credit situation, no one would rent to us so we took a place sight unseen literally out of despracy. Most of the appliances are falling apart and they made us leave all utilities in the home owner's mother's name for some sort of homesteading reason which sounds ridiculous to me. The electric compnay is threatening to shut us off because they never paid the deposit prior to our move in. We had no knowledge of this. I have called and emailed her several times the last few days with no repsonse to this matter and tomorrow our electricity will be shut off because we have no extra money to pay the $300 for them to keep it on. She also made us pay a $200.00 dep for the utilities in case we didn't pay. There are many things wrong with the place, but most are small other than appliances being broken which they will not replace. The place was absolutely filthy when we moved in and she refused to clean and we still had to pay $1000.00 dep.
Again, not an ideal home, but at the time we were desperate. Since we are in a CH 7, (we are filing on March 12), first, can the lease be added in if we break the lease due to their failure to fix things and allowing our electricity to be turned off (we also have 2 children to be concerned about) and how bad would an evasion of lease be on a credit report for renting in the future?
We also have foreclosed on a home (yes, we have had a VERY bad year and are in no way proud of this situation or what we're considering). My husband was laid off from his job and neither of us have been able to find one for the last 2 weeks. Anyway, any insight into this would be great. I can't find many articles on the internet that are helpful. Thanks!!
Again, not an ideal home, but at the time we were desperate. Since we are in a CH 7, (we are filing on March 12), first, can the lease be added in if we break the lease due to their failure to fix things and allowing our electricity to be turned off (we also have 2 children to be concerned about) and how bad would an evasion of lease be on a credit report for renting in the future?
We also have foreclosed on a home (yes, we have had a VERY bad year and are in no way proud of this situation or what we're considering). My husband was laid off from his job and neither of us have been able to find one for the last 2 weeks. Anyway, any insight into this would be great. I can't find many articles on the internet that are helpful. Thanks!!