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Bringing kids to 341?

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    Bringing kids to 341?

    Can you do this? We are new to the area and do not know anyone? My daughter is 4 and has a very hard time talking quiet when she needs to be and sitting still. Will they make us reschedule or do they have the right to make you leave if you have your children with you? She's not a bad kid, just very personable and likes to talk to everyone.


    Find out if that building in which you have your 341 hearing has a child care center.


      Originally posted by BKFLA View Post
      Can you do this? We are new to the area and do not know anyone? My daughter is 4 and has a very hard time talking quiet when she needs to be and sitting still. Will they make us reschedule or do they have the right to make you leave if you have your children with you? She's not a bad kid, just very personable and likes to talk to everyone.

      I did, took my kids there twin girls 2 year old they rasied HELL!!! but I couldnt afford daycare and have no family here .. no one said anything to me..

      I even had candy to keep them quiet .. made them worst. at one point I told my husband to take them outside to the hall .. well they got louder.. my trustee asst. closed the door on them because they were soo loud..but if you dont have anyone to watch them like i didnt .. you have no choice.. and refused to leave my kids with some stranger and all thats going on with people killing 2 year olds and such..
      Last edited by aachudneymiles; 01-22-2008, 04:25 PM.
      *Filed Chp 7 bk 11/13/07 PRO SE :yahoo::yahoo:[x]
      *Last day to Objection 02/19/2008 :yahoo: [x]
      *DISCHARGED 2/25/08!!:cry::yahoo: CLOSED 2/29/08
      TransUnion 538 Experian 519 Equifax 531


        We took our 4yo no worries what so ever! These our open hearings as long as the child is not very disruptive no one may stop you from bringing them.


          We took our 2 1/2 year old and 6 week old without a problem... Our 2 year old was loud at times and they were running over an hour late. I just kept taking her outside and playing with her in the hallway. When it was our turn, she came and sat in the chairs right next to us. No problems at all.
          (X) - Filed Chap 7 - 11.14.2007
          (X) - Free and Clear - 2.22.2008
          PreBK Scores - 467/428/434 (11/22/2007)
          PostBK Scores - 571/604/583 (3/15/2008) - Rebuilding Begins!


            That's good to hear... thanks to you all for your input. Our daughter will raise hell, our son is the quiet one - go figure. I'm not leaving them a child care center even if they had one. Can't justify leaving my children with someone that I do not know. They can embarass me all they want!


              Originally posted by BKFLA View Post
              That's good to hear... thanks to you all for your input. Our daughter will raise hell, our son is the quiet one - go figure. I'm not leaving them a child care center even if they had one. Can't justify leaving my children with someone that I do not know. They can embarass me all they want!
              lol yeah my feelings actually.. but I felt like this they are 2 years old .. everyone knows 2 years old= trouble lol but its O.K take them .. If your are Pro se just know that you will be called last and maybe even later if they are running late.. I can say this however- once me and hubby got called up to the desk, the girls were slience not a peap.. Good Luck
              *Filed Chp 7 bk 11/13/07 PRO SE :yahoo::yahoo:[x]
              *Last day to Objection 02/19/2008 :yahoo: [x]
              *DISCHARGED 2/25/08!!:cry::yahoo: CLOSED 2/29/08
              TransUnion 538 Experian 519 Equifax 531


                If your are Pro se just know that you will be called last and maybe even later if they are running late..
                Actually, when I went to my 341 I got called fourth in that afternoon's session, but I think you're right: the attorneys were seated at a table up front, and when their cases were over with they scooted. The very first guy to be called was a pro se, but he didn't have proof of SSN so he got continued within the first minute. The next two were attorney cases, and then they left, and then me. I would have stayed to observe but honestly, I just wanted to split and go sneak a cigarette (I don't usually smoke, but I've been known to make exceptions from time to time) and be all vastly relieved.

                The room was kind of crowded but no lawyerly types that I could see after those two left, and they do tend to stick out in a crowd. It may be that the trustee scheduled it like that as well, though I doubt that because your 341 date and time is assigned electronically when you file.
                Nolo Press book on filing Chapter 7, there are others too. (I have no affiliation with Nolo Press; just a happy customer.) Best wishes to you!


                  Interestingly enough, my lawyer is REQUESTING that I take my infant daughter and my newborn to the 341 meeting. Since I will be quitting a job that pays $125,000 a year, he wants to make it clear that I am now a SAHM with NO intention of returning to the work force any time soon. He said to be the picture of "madonna with child".


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