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What happens to unpaid property taxes after forclosure. We haven't paid our Feb tax bill of ~ $1000, by any chance will this debt be assumed by the buyer of the forclosed property or will we be responsible for it...
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They took my home/land last October 2004. Bank has land, trustee has home.
I paid taxes and renewed insurance in Nov of 2004 because I am still living in the home and on the land.
In process of "buy-back" from the Court and Bank.
Its still mine on paper work - but yet it's not mine legally as they have seized it in Oct of 2004.
So who pays tax and insurance for 2005 ??????
Any suggestions folks.......
"It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".
My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.
It depends on state law, so I really don't know. It may depend on how the state prioritizes the debt, whether unpaid property taxes are superior to the Mortgage or vice-versa. However, since property taxes act a a lien on the property, they have to be satisfied in order for the bank to transfer clear title upon foreclosure.
I think your asking, does the unpaid property tax become a personal unsecured debt. If it does, I think it can be discharged in BK, because the type of taxes that are non-discharable are taxes based on your "income", so I think unpaid property taxes, to the extent they are not satisfied by the sale of property, can be discharged as to you personally.