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new to the forum need help

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    new to the forum need help

    hello everyone

    in the last couple months i was debating on whether or/not to file
    bk, chapter 7 is what im going for. im looking in more info on bankruptcy so i can get an idea of what to except.

    i am current unemployed..have maybe 20-23k in credit card debt
    35k in auto loan
    i own my girlfriend 15k only 20 yrs i remember when i had a 710 credit score when i was look at me ..mistakes happen.

    is it bad to file t such a young age?

    since im unemployed does that mean i automatically
    pass the means test?

    quick question....the money i owe to my gf can i put that in with the bankruptcy?

    thanks for your time in reading this

    hello everyone

    HI, welcom to the forum

    in the last couple months i was debating on whether or/not to file
    bk, chapter 7 is what im going for. im looking in more info on bankruptcy so i can get an idea of what to except.

    i am current unemployed..have maybe 20-23k in credit card debt
    35k in auto loan
    i own my girlfriend 15k only 20 yrs i remember when i had a 710 credit score when i was look at me ..mistakes happen.

    is it bad to file t such a young age?

    It depends on how you look at it, when I was 25 I filed BK on about 13,000. To me it was stressful owing that much, and I also had a car payment, but I didn't owe as much than as you do now. I had about a couple months left on it.

    since im unemployed does that mean i automatically
    pass the means test?

    You definitely wouldn't qualify for Ch13. Ch7 will definitely wipe out your distress!

    quick question....the money i owe to my gf can i put that in with the bankruptcy?

    Your girlfriend won't be seeing her money for a long time, but yes you will have to put her on as a debt.

    thanks for your time in reading this

    Best of Luck, Catchmeifyoucan
    July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
    Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
    Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
    Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


      Originally posted by help me 07 View Post
      hello everyone

      in the last couple months i was debating on whether or/not to file
      bk, chapter 7 is what im going for. im looking in more info on bankruptcy so i can get an idea of what to except.

      i am current unemployed..have maybe 20-23k in credit card debt
      35k in auto loan
      i own my girlfriend 15k only 20 yrs i remember when i had a 710 credit score when i was look at me ..mistakes happen.

      is it bad to file t such a young age?

      since im unemployed does that mean i automatically
      pass the means test?

      quick question....the money i owe to my gf can i put that in with the bankruptcy?

      thanks for your time in reading this
      Dont beat your self up we all make these mistakes .. I am 23 soo its ok ... you would pass the means test but you would have to have good number on schedules I and J Income vs expenses. Do you live alone? pay rent ?car insurance? renters insurance? so forth? ...
      Trustee mite try to ask you why you dont have a job or what have you tried to do to pay back this debt, you would have to make it clear your looking for employment and not just sitting on your butt abusing the bk system ( not saying you are).
      people file at all ages 18 to 80 more higher.. I look at it this way we are young and yes we made a mistake but we have also learned not to make this mistaken again early in our life. Our life is just starting, but do this go talk with a few lawyers ( few ) and explain your concerns and ask him what he thinks the best think for you to do is. well God Bless and Good luck
      *Filed Chp 7 bk 11/13/07 PRO SE :yahoo::yahoo:[x]
      *Last day to Objection 02/19/2008 :yahoo: [x]
      *DISCHARGED 2/25/08!!:cry::yahoo: CLOSED 2/29/08
      TransUnion 538 Experian 519 Equifax 531


        The most important thing you can do right now is, get a job. A bk is useless if you can't support yourself post bk.


          i am currently looking for jobs right now to support myself and pay back my gf..
          what happens if get 2 jobs and dont qualify for chap 7 b/c i really want to pay back gf

          thanks 4 the resposes


            Originally posted by help me 07 View Post
            i am currently looking for jobs right now to support myself and pay back my gf..
            what happens if get 2 jobs and dont qualify for chap 7 b/c i really want to pay back gf

            thanks 4 the resposes
            You make no sense. Why would you work two jobs when filing for bankruptcy? Get one job, maybe you will qualify for a 7. After that get another job. If you had two jobs why even file?????? Come on man use your brains.
            Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


              It depends on how much the 2 jobs pay vs. your expenses {not counting payments on debt you wish to discharge. Including that auto loan, that's a hell of a lot of debt.
              Nothing in the bk code says you can't repay whomever you please post bk. Let GF know you'll pay her back after the bk is discharged. With your debt level, I'd file {including the car}. Thing is, get some income rolling now. WalMart, Target, MacDonalds-anything beats nothing.


                Originally posted by nc73 View Post
                You make no sense. Why would you work two jobs when filing for bankruptcy? Get one job, maybe you will qualify for a 7. After that get another job. If you had two jobs why even file?????? Come on man use your brains.
                no need to be rude... if he knew this he wouldnt be here asking .. just like I remember you asking question some may have thought were dumb but we did say get rude with you..

                Anyways do what you have to do ,, if you want to get 2 jobs and pay all your debt off ,if that would make you feel better then do so..

                if you would like to file chapter 7, you dont need a job to file chapter 7, its just like other poster said you would end up in debt again.

                Good Luck God Bless
                Last edited by aachudneymiles; 11-03-2007, 09:13 PM.
                *Filed Chp 7 bk 11/13/07 PRO SE :yahoo::yahoo:[x]
                *Last day to Objection 02/19/2008 :yahoo: [x]
                *DISCHARGED 2/25/08!!:cry::yahoo: CLOSED 2/29/08
                TransUnion 538 Experian 519 Equifax 531


                  You can list your GF as a Creditor in BK and get the debt "legally" discharged. AND, there's no Law that says you cannot voluntarily repay any Creditor after your BK is over and done with. So you can repay her after BK if you want.

                  Whether or not you'd pass the Means Test would depend on what you made before and how long you've been unemployed. If you made $100K/yr and you've only been outa work for a month that's one thing. If you made $50K/yr and you've been outa work for 4-6 months, that's a whole different story. Your income from the last 6 months will be doubled for the Means Test.

                  The New Law and the Courts are so tricky now. If you had been making $100K and only unemployed for a month or 2, you might not be able to successfully file a Ch 7. Even if you were unemployed the day you filed. Unless you could not work for some reason such as disability. Then your attny could argue for Totality of Circumstances.
                  Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
                  Discharged - 12/2006
                  Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
                  Closed - 04/2007

                  I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

                  Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


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