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Like you, we need tires on the piece of crap we drive to at least get from point A to B. It is one of our only means of transprotation, and no money, so we have to charge it while we have at least half way decent credit.
I had been toying around with the idea of filing BK, but hadn't come to any kind of decision when I needed a root canal and in the process had bridgework done (the root canal tooth was right next to a missing space of a tooth I lost a decade ago but could never afford to have replaced, but since I had to get a crown on the tooth beside it, was the time to do it or else when I finally did get the bridge done, would have to have the crown on the root canal tooth removed and redone anyhow.) It all came to about $1800, and I put it on a credit card. A few weeks later I realized that I really needed to file BK. Did this worry me? Yes, it sure did! The way things worked out I was past the 90 days when I filed because it took me several months to come up with the attorney and filing fees, but I still was afraid they would object. Luckily they didn't, and I know it sounds bad, but I'm so glad I did that on credit because if I had owed my Dentist $1800 and filed, I wouldn't ever be able to go back to him again! (BTW, I'm CH 13 and paying back 65%, so I try not to lose too much sleep over it. Actually, my proposed plan was 65%, but some of the creditors didn't file claims, so I may end up paying 75% or more of the dental bill back, but still had me worried...)
Filed CH 13 September 17, 2007
Plan Modified July 8, 2009 from $1100/month to $400/month due to change in income, finally discharged in July of 2013!