Just wanted to say thanks for all the superb info that you pass along here in the forum.
I never have nor wanted to post much in your threads, because after all, there's not much left to be said in your responses.
I think "expert" is not too much of a designation when it comes to your level of expertise in this intricate world of Bankruptcy, credit and legal jargon.
I don't know if you ever spent any time in the military, or saw much combat when you did, but I would follow you into any fight, on any day with any odds if you were half as good there as you are here.
For me, there is no better a measure...
Thanks again,
CPO SWCC US Navy (Retired)
I never have nor wanted to post much in your threads, because after all, there's not much left to be said in your responses.
I think "expert" is not too much of a designation when it comes to your level of expertise in this intricate world of Bankruptcy, credit and legal jargon.
I don't know if you ever spent any time in the military, or saw much combat when you did, but I would follow you into any fight, on any day with any odds if you were half as good there as you are here.
For me, there is no better a measure...
Thanks again,
CPO SWCC US Navy (Retired)