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    Hope all goes well with your mom - gosh, hope she's not late or can't find the courthouse - that would be terrible.......

    Keep me posted,


    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


      Well it only takes an hour to get there, she gave herself THREE.. LOL.. (I think she was nervous).

      With 3 hours, she could easily get lost or get behind an accident or in bad traffic and still get there on time. BUT.. I haven't heard anything either.

      If her meeting was at 10am.. I assume an hour window for the meeting depending on when she got called? And then an hour home.. she should be home any time now! I am SO inpatient!!


        LOL - I know - like being a "mother hen" isn't it????

        Honey, mom was taking care of herself before you were born, let her do it again......believe me, she's able if you will let her......

        But I think it's great that you have helped her through all this.....lots of kids wouldn't... I'm sure she has been upset and scared about all this....

        Let me know how she did today - I'm sure your going to be so proud of her.........

        Lets hope nothing went aray........


        "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

        My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


          Hi Minny, I started my own thread about my mom. You can find it here

          basically everything went perfect. She was there at about 8:20, but couldn't find the building that was "right in front of her face". The court house actually goes from J St. over to I street. She was supposed to be looking for I street, but was looking for 1st street. (just nerves) but she had plenty of time.

          It was good for her to do this part alone. She tried to get my aunt to go, but my aunt had some excuse. I am glad she didn't. That would have made it "easier" for mom.

          Yes mom IS capable of doing much on her own, problem is, she DOESN'T. She sat in a horrible yucky apartment for 3 years because she wouldn't go apply for the senior housing. It was only when they raised her rent and told her to get rid of her cat, that she got off her rump and went and applied. They turned her down, saying she "made to much".. but I heard that and the SH*T hit the fan. I wrote to the main company and told them they better look at her application again. Sure enough, they let her in. But had I of not done that, she would have just taken "NO" for an answer.

          She's never HAD to do anything on her own. Was married at 16, dad always took care of her. When she left him, she thought she had the world in her hands.. little did she know, the world wasn't a pretty place to live and wasn't easy!

          I am just glad things are almost over for this. It's time to move on and get closure.


            Completed 341 meeting; waiting on discharge

            Down to final wire! Jan. 09,2006 last day for objections.
            I have some questions to whom ever can answer...
            1. I have a student loan that has been sold, after the filing. (yes, I know that
            loans are not usually dischargeable) but am I still to continue to pay during this timeframe?
            In other words, do I wait until the discharge is final, or should I contact the new lender with some sort of agreement?
            Also, I still have new and old creditors mailing payment requests and all of these people have been included in my case. What do I do at this point?

            This is so confusing to me and I am anxious for this to be over.

            Some helpful advice would be appreciated..


              You should not be getting payment notices, not this late in the game. Have you reviewed your petition to make sure that all creditors were listed in the creditor mailing matrix?
              Most of my information is from personal experience or HOURS and HOURS of online research. When you're searching online, keep in mind there is no guarantee that the info is completely up to date, and your situation is unique from anyone else's. Do your homework, and consult with an attorney so you can make an informed decision.


                I do still receive bills from creditors...

                Originally posted by StaciMM
                You should not be getting payment notices, not this late in the game. Have you reviewed your petition to make sure that all creditors were listed in the creditor mailing matrix?

                Yes, believe it, it's true. I am still receiving bills and calls.
                As far as the student loan is concerned, Southwest Student Services sold the account to SallieMae loan servicing center and now they are calling me.
                This is an old loan that has been hounding me for over 15 years now. I am sick to death of it!!

                how would I go about re-affirming my loan?
                Do I wait until the discharge is final or do I try to make arrangements now?



                  Originally posted by StaciMM
                  You should not be getting payment notices, not this late in the game. Have you reviewed your petition to make sure that all creditors were listed in the creditor mailing matrix?
                  Yes, believe it, it's true. I am still receiving bills and calls.
                  As far as the student loan is concerned, Southwest Student Services sold the account to SallieMae loan servicing center and now they are calling me.
                  This is an old loan that has been hounding me for over 15 years now. I am sick to death of it!!

                  how would I go about re-affirming my loan?
                  Do I wait until the discharge is final or do I try to make arrangements now?



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