It cost a lot to run a family of six but I want to make sure my expenses are realistic.
Childcare part time: $250 - I have four kids, the two older ones attend camp and afterschool programs, the childcare is really higher but if I state that it will make my dispoable income even more negative.
Gas for two cars, one is a van both cars are 1997 - $200 this includes my husband 45 minute drive back and forth to work, driving kids around, grocery shopping, doctors appt., times my husband comes home from work
Clothing expense - $300 a month which is $50 dollars per person
food - $1200 this includes husbands lunch and the kids lunch program at school
entertainment- $200 this is mild, because my girls are in dance and what can I say, I have kids.
By the way, where does dance classes for my girls fit into the expenses??? Some people may not feel it is necessary but keeping kids busy keeps them out of trouble. They are also in other sports which cost money.
My medical expense plus the family easily can run up to $500 a month this includes all my diabetic supplies, co-pays, otc meds, my daughters asthma meds, etc.
This is just the expense I have quesions on, I figured out the rest.
Do you think this is too low or too high??? my expense plus some equals this and I have proof but I don't want trustees to question if they think it is too high.
Childcare part time: $250 - I have four kids, the two older ones attend camp and afterschool programs, the childcare is really higher but if I state that it will make my dispoable income even more negative.
Gas for two cars, one is a van both cars are 1997 - $200 this includes my husband 45 minute drive back and forth to work, driving kids around, grocery shopping, doctors appt., times my husband comes home from work
Clothing expense - $300 a month which is $50 dollars per person
food - $1200 this includes husbands lunch and the kids lunch program at school
entertainment- $200 this is mild, because my girls are in dance and what can I say, I have kids.
By the way, where does dance classes for my girls fit into the expenses??? Some people may not feel it is necessary but keeping kids busy keeps them out of trouble. They are also in other sports which cost money.
My medical expense plus the family easily can run up to $500 a month this includes all my diabetic supplies, co-pays, otc meds, my daughters asthma meds, etc.
This is just the expense I have quesions on, I figured out the rest.
Do you think this is too low or too high??? my expense plus some equals this and I have proof but I don't want trustees to question if they think it is too high.