We have 2 debts that we will be re-affirming after the discharge. A Citifinancial loan so they won't take both of our computers, a
tv, stereo, my piano and then there is our car loan with GMAC. Citifinancial told us we could just leave them off of the backruptcy completely and continue on with them like nothing happened but what I have read contradicts that. Don't you need to disclose all of your debts wether you are going to reaffirm them or discharge them? I read somewhere that you could get in legal trouble if you did not disclose all of your debts. Anyone know if that is true and if the companies we have our loans with say don't worry about adding them to the bankruptcy should we listen to them?
tv, stereo, my piano and then there is our car loan with GMAC. Citifinancial told us we could just leave them off of the backruptcy completely and continue on with them like nothing happened but what I have read contradicts that. Don't you need to disclose all of your debts wether you are going to reaffirm them or discharge them? I read somewhere that you could get in legal trouble if you did not disclose all of your debts. Anyone know if that is true and if the companies we have our loans with say don't worry about adding them to the bankruptcy should we listen to them?