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    They offered him the job.

    Great news for them and great news for us.

    Great for us because he really wanted the job. It is a pay increase of about 5k a year and in the field he wants to be in.

    Great news for them because a law suit was looking better and better.
    They called him on Monday and wanted a list of his references. They also asked him to stop by and fill out an application and sign some forms. One of the forms was permssion to do the background and credit check. So basically they not only almost denied him employment based on our bankruptcy they also checked his credit without permission.

    So for now life is good and everyone is happy. We are glad they changed their minds and decided to consider him for the job after all. They've made the initial offer and it is negotiation time now.

    Now I just need to email the lawyer and let him know.
    Last edited by JollyGG; 03-20-2007, 09:52 AM.
    Filed: 10/26/2006
    Discharged: 03/05/2007
    Closed: 5/19/2008 - Asset case due to balance transfer and income tax refund


      Ahhhhhh, good things happen to folks who "hold a ACE" in their hands...........

      Congrads....... now follow up and let us know for sure that they DID hire him....... after they go thru all their "necessary paperwork".......

      They are backtracking and covering their butts, right now.........

      If they don't hire him, you still have a case......................


      "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

      My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


        This is great news and the extra cash and the advancement chances you talked about will help with the fresh start you have out of bk.

        I'm glad this all worked out. It is amazing that they could check your husbands credit without permission. I think Minnie is correct in that they are now covering their butts. Good luck to both of you.


          Originally posted by Minnymouth View Post
          Congrads....... now follow up and let us know for sure that they DID hire him....... after they go thru all their "necessary paperwork".......
          Well he started work the Tuesday after Easter. So far he really really likes it.
          He is getting to do some real programming so is loving it and they seem rather happy with him so far. His position is as a database programmer, but he is getting to do a little application programming as well which is what he really likes. There are a few programs that they need, but their applications development department never has time for as it won't generate as much profit as other projects would. My husband is getting to work on a few of those. We see his first paycheck this Friday.
          So I guess it's time to review the budget again.
          Filed: 10/26/2006
          Discharged: 03/05/2007
          Closed: 5/19/2008 - Asset case due to balance transfer and income tax refund


            Congrats, JollyGG and Hubby!!

            It's always great to hear good news from folks here!! We all deal with so much that is not pleasant. Good news is like a breathe of fresh air!!
            Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
            Discharged - 12/2006
            Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
            Closed - 04/2007

            I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

            Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


              Originally posted by JollyGG View Post
              My husband had a second interview with Premier Bank Card last week. It went really well. Unfortunatelly, he got a letter in the mail today saying he didn't get the job. The letter said that the reason for the decision not to hire him was based on information in his consumer report. His credit report was enclosed with the bankruptcy circled. So he didn't get the job due to the bankruptcy. Which sucks. It isn't a job handling money. It is a database programmer position. The letter did include a number to call. He's going to call and see if he can appeal the decision but we aren't holding out much hope. We also plan to call our lawyer and see if we have any other rights.
              The good news is your husband got the job! However, it's Human Resources 101 that all pre-employment information is confidential. Someone realized they screwed up majorily by relinquishing why your husband wasn't being considered/offered the job! And as a result of this...the company most likely offered him the job, to avoid the potential of a major lawsuit against them.

              Company's may use credit as a basis for disqualifying applicants/candidates. But cannot use the specific fact that a person filed for BK. Most companies consider a person's credit score/standing when if the position is in the accounting/finance or is in the executive capacity. However, I am noticing more and more companies using, "consumer checks" on applicants.
              The information provided is not, and should not be considered legal advice. All information provided is only informational and should be verified by a law practioner whenever possible. When confronted with legal issues contact an experienced attorney in your state who specializes in the area of law most directly called into question by your particular situation.


                See if he can write a cute little program that will erase all negative data from our credit reports ...... congrats, glad to see it going well
                Chapter 7 Pro Se....Discharged Feb. 2006



                  Congratulations to him (and you!!!) That's wonderful to hear!!!
                  3/27/07: Chapter 7 Filed - Pre-filing true FICO (hers/his) 450/477
                  5/10/07: 341 Meeting DONE! Trustee's Report of No Distribution Filed
                  7/04/07: FICOs going up! Credit report cleanup (hers/his) 540/536
                  7/10/07: DISCHARGED! 8/27/07: CLOSED!


                    I know this post is old but just thought that I would chime in. The BK may have been a determining factor but you can be denied employment based on a Credit Report, especially if you have Repo's or Charge-Offs that were not listed as discharged. It depends on what else is in the report also. Also, another Court may not see it that way. You have to first convince a Lawyer to take the case. Then you have to convince a Judge to hear it, then convince a Judge or Jury to award damages. All of that is very doubtful Also, what are all the facts in the cases sighted? It is probable that someone made a booboo in circling the BK but they could explain that away. Depends on their clumsiness.

                    I think your husband has chosen the rational way to handle it. Cordial and with an innocent question. I hope the outcome has been positive. He may not get the job but if he applies a little scare it may get them to operate within the law.

                    These damned Credit Bureau's are supposed to ACCURATELY display info. They don't, you should go after them to if that is the case.
                    Last edited by robivi3; 04-25-2007, 04:28 AM.
                    "You once asked me for advice. You want some now? Never pass up a good thing." Lieutenant Jean Rasczak, Starship Troopers

                    Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship.


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