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Is It True !

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    Is It True !

    Oh my GOOOOODNESS ! ! !

    Is it true ???

    Filed 1/12/07 Trustee Request for Asset Notice
    Filed 1/16/07 Request for Notice of Need to File Proof of Claim
    Filed 1/18/07 Notice of Need to File Proof of Claim

    Filed 1/26/07 DISCHARGE of DEBTOR(s)
    Filed 1/28/07 BNC Certificate of Mailing of Discharge of Debtor(s)

    AM I DISCHARGED ??? Is the Trustee still looking for that/those asset(s)???

    Need some COMFORTING words from my friends here ?

    Thanks, Catchmeifyoucan !
    July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
    Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
    Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
    Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

    Yes, you are discharged, so congrats


      WOW that was Fast!!

      WOW! I thought it took like almost 3 months to do the whole process? How did you go through all so fast? Or am i missing something? I am about to file in a few weeks and I am planning on a few months going by for the whole process. Even though I have no assets to sell off or anything. Just clothing. No furniture since all belongs to my parents.. I came donw with a sometimes crippling blood disorder so i had stay living at home for the most part. Since sometimes i need help with daily things. Getting dressed, walking eating etc. Anyway. How did you get done so fast? I am about to take the online pre-filling test sometime this coming weekend. Maybe do it by phone, since i dont have any assets, savings or anything like that to talk about. So maybe doing it over the phone is quicker and easier. How did you get your Chap 7 done so fast? Congrats to you!

      Taking the Plunge,
      BkMike in TX.
      Taking the BK plunge.


        Just one extra question. I had just opened a credit card for $10,000 in April and had filed BK in July. Can the creditor/trustee/Bk order that I pay that back since it was so close to the filing date? Didn't they have their chance to object to that discharge?

        Thanks, Catchmeifyoucan

        Think I'm going to celebrate when I actually see my case CLOSED ! ! !
        July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
        Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
        Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
        Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:



          WOW! I thought it took like almost 3 months to do the whole process?
          SEEMED like a LIFETIME to me - especially when my discharge was delayed and the Trustee was looking for assets! I started out in July and filed for Ch13, after an Objection to plan confirmation in October, I quit one job and converted from Ch13 to Ch7, so it has been a little over 6 months from start to finish.
          How did you go through all so fast?
          FAST ? Hah, half a year if you think about it!
          Or am i missing something? I am about to file in a few weeks and I am planning on a few months going by for the whole process.
          Why do you have to wait a few months?
          Even though I have no assets to sell off or anything. Just clothing.
          I'm pretty sure you can keep your clothing! SMILE
          No furniture since all belongs to my parents.. I came donw with a sometimes crippling blood disorder so i had stay living at home for the most part. Since sometimes i need help with daily things. Getting dressed, walking eating etc.
          I'm sorry to hear about your condition and hope you are recovering!
          Anyway. How did you get done so fast? I am about to take the online pre-filling test sometime this coming weekend. Maybe do it by phone, since i dont have any assets, savings or anything like that to talk about. So maybe doing it over the phone is quicker and easier.
          I got this link off my lawyers website (state of Virginia) and called the cccs the day before I called the lawyer to retain him. It was pretty fast and straight forward over the phone (30-45 minutes). Before I knew it I got my "pre-filing," credit counselor certificate via email within a half hour after hanging up!
          How did you get your Chap 7 done so fast? Congrats to you!

          Thank you! The process wasn't easy but now thats all said and done. THANK YOU! I won't forget the folks on hear who have and are going through the same thing (and have shared their experience and oppinions and advice) as I will remain on this site for as long as I can to give my "experience."

          July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
          Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
          Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
          Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


            Originally posted by CATCHMEIFYOUCAN View Post
            AM I DISCHARGED ??? Is the Trustee still looking for that/those asset(s)???
            You are discharged of your debts - congratulations for making it this far! It seems complicated to get that part of the case done after a conversion from 13. That part of the case is separate from asset handling, though.

            The trustee is either looking for assets or is awaiting proofs of claim from your creditors, since creditors have been notified to file proofs of claim. You might ask your attorney what assets the trustee has or wants you to turn over, if you don't already know. (For all you know, it could be undistributed plan payments, though the 13 trustee took care of that in my case.)

            Once that is over, the 7 trustee will file a final decree, and your case will be closed.
            DISCLAIMER: I am not an attorney. My posts are not legal advice. They are for information only. Please feel free to use them in an academic sense, as I simply wish to share with you what I have learned/researched.



              You are discharged of your debts - congratulations for making it this far! It seems complicated to get that part of the case done after a conversion from 13. That part of the case is separate from asset handling, though.
              The trustee is either looking for assets or is awaiting proofs of claim from your creditors, since creditors have been notified to file proofs of claim. You might ask your attorney what assets the trustee has or wants you to turn over, if you don't already know. (For all you know, it could be undistributed plan payments, though the 13 trustee took care of that in my case.)
              Once that is over, the 7 trustee will file a final decree, and your case will be closed.

              Shouldn't I get some kind of letter though from the Trustee or the Lawyer requesting "that" particular asset, I can only assume its money. I had paid $750 into the Ch13 plan, which had never gotten confirmed, as I converted. The original Ch13 Trustee gave me back my money and took his cut. I think he should have at least disbursed what was there to those creditors than, but maybe because the plan had not been confirmed, he wasn't authorized to do so (even though he took his cut). I guess I will wait it out. I can't assume and "read his mind," if he does not send me a letter or notice of some sort for this "asset," you know. And my lawyer doesn't even have a clue either.

              Okay, Thanks ! Catchmeifyoucan
              July 2006: Filed Ch13 :blink:
              Oct 2006: Converted to Ch7 :clapping:
              Jan 2007: DISCHARGED :clapping:
              Nov 2007: CLOSED :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                Originally posted by CATCHMEIFYOUCAN View Post
                Shouldn't I get some kind of letter though from the Trustee or the Lawyer requesting "that" particular asset, I can only assume its money. I had paid $750 into the Ch13 plan, which had never gotten confirmed, as I converted. The original Ch13 Trustee gave me back my money and took his cut. I think he should have at least disbursed what was there to those creditors than, but maybe because the plan had not been confirmed, he wasn't authorized to do so (even though he took his cut). I guess I will wait it out. I can't assume and "read his mind," if he does not send me a letter or notice of some sort for this "asset," you know. And my lawyer doesn't even have a clue either.
                Yeah, you'll just have to wait it out to see if the trustee sends a letter requesting turnover of your assets, whatever they may be.

                In my case, the 7 was considered "no asset" and the 13 trustee had distributed the one plan payment that I made. He paid the court the filing fee and my attorney the rest. (My attorney was to be paid under the plan, but I decided to pay him off myself and convert because I had second thoughts.)
                DISCLAIMER: I am not an attorney. My posts are not legal advice. They are for information only. Please feel free to use them in an academic sense, as I simply wish to share with you what I have learned/researched.



                  Congrats catch me...You deserve a HUGE clebration..
                  Take a deep breath...
                  Now, go PAR tay!
                  ch7 8/07 CLOSED: 11/07 Rebuilding and saving.
                  WAMU unsecured $2,000 Capital One unsecured $500
                  PAID OFF MONTHLY!!!


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