1. attorney is fired for whatever reason; but from the one time I met with him, he was late, looked like he overslept, and walked in belching from a grape soda w/ a handful of candybars (LOL--I cannot believe I continued w/ this guy!!!..he was local so I went with that) Trust your instincts and run!
2. our BK gets handed over from one firm to an atty (in the same bldg) and the atty doesn't need to meet with us...(found that odd) ..I was told that he didn't have time to review it yet, but would let us know if there were any issues--The new atty. is a nice guy, but I personally do not know him--never met him. DH only met him at his 341. LOL
3. DH takes a day off from work to go to the 341 and (same w/ another couple) was told that a 'pdf' file (the 2041 or 4021??) was missing so a continuance was set for 2 wks. out
4. I call up the atty that day to find out the details. No return call. DH calls. No return call. I call. No return call. It irks me that I've been waiting for 2 wks. to find out what the missing file was and well...read below.
5. Assuming that they'd at least respond today, the day before the continuance, I get that call. But only because they NEED something. As it turns out the 2041 or whatever file was our whole 2005 tax return AND 3 paycheck stubs within the 60 day period prior to filing!!!!!!! The secretary calls the day before and needs this info within a few hours, by 2pm to be exact. What if we were not home!? I cannot even believe that our case was pushed off like this for 2 weeks (and in actuality, it was a good 6 wks w/ the new atty) and they figure this out the day before. We were able to get the info together and faxed, but this should not have happened.
*secretary even admitted that the 1st law firm of the drunken? atty. should have noticed that these files weren't in, and that THEY should have noticed this before my DH even set foot in the 1st 341 mtg.
*time off from work is limited for DH, so taking an extra personal day immediately after the holidays looks ridiculous.
I am sure there are worse stories out there, but let me know if you think this was all just a minor inconvenience and somewhat of the norm, or absolutely shouldn't happen. We certainly didn't hand over $900 to the 1st atty. for any of this BS.
Thanks for your reply.
2. our BK gets handed over from one firm to an atty (in the same bldg) and the atty doesn't need to meet with us...(found that odd) ..I was told that he didn't have time to review it yet, but would let us know if there were any issues--The new atty. is a nice guy, but I personally do not know him--never met him. DH only met him at his 341. LOL
3. DH takes a day off from work to go to the 341 and (same w/ another couple) was told that a 'pdf' file (the 2041 or 4021??) was missing so a continuance was set for 2 wks. out
4. I call up the atty that day to find out the details. No return call. DH calls. No return call. I call. No return call. It irks me that I've been waiting for 2 wks. to find out what the missing file was and well...read below.
5. Assuming that they'd at least respond today, the day before the continuance, I get that call. But only because they NEED something. As it turns out the 2041 or whatever file was our whole 2005 tax return AND 3 paycheck stubs within the 60 day period prior to filing!!!!!!! The secretary calls the day before and needs this info within a few hours, by 2pm to be exact. What if we were not home!? I cannot even believe that our case was pushed off like this for 2 weeks (and in actuality, it was a good 6 wks w/ the new atty) and they figure this out the day before. We were able to get the info together and faxed, but this should not have happened.
*secretary even admitted that the 1st law firm of the drunken? atty. should have noticed that these files weren't in, and that THEY should have noticed this before my DH even set foot in the 1st 341 mtg.
*time off from work is limited for DH, so taking an extra personal day immediately after the holidays looks ridiculous.
I am sure there are worse stories out there, but let me know if you think this was all just a minor inconvenience and somewhat of the norm, or absolutely shouldn't happen. We certainly didn't hand over $900 to the 1st atty. for any of this BS.
Thanks for your reply.