I'm so frustrated with my lawyer...
I paid in full and turned in paperwork on August 8th
Sept 12th I get a letter asking for more info
Sept 28th I hand deliver all the info asked for in the letter
I wait. I call. I never get past the receptionist, I leave messages asking for an update on the status of my case. My calls are never returned. I get a letter in Sept summoning me to court in regards to a local creditor. I take the letter to my lawyers office I'm told, through the receptionist, not to worry about it, don't have to go to court, they will take care of it...so I don't go. I got another letter recently telling me if I don't show up in court on the 28th of this month I will be arrested.
That was a week ago today (last Friday). I called lawyer on same day and was asked to fax the letter. I faxed it, I called Monday morning, no one was in to talk to me and wouldn't be until Thursday. I called Thursday and found out they never received the fax. Re-faxed the letter and called later in the day and BEGGED for someone to talk to me. No return calls. Called again this morning and no one could talk to me because of a "computer problem". Called again in the afternoon and the receptionist was "just about to call". She told me they never got the extra information they had requested. I told her I took it in on the 28th of September and gave it to HER. I asked her what happened to the papers I'd given her. She said she didn't know what happened to them.
Not only did they lose some of my paperwork but they never returned any of my calls for last 6 weeks begging for some info on what was taking so long to file!!! Who knows how long this would have gone on if I hadn't had this emergency come up and started calling them about 3 or 4 times a day before they bothered to tell me anything. Then I told the receptionist I'd bring the info in today. I didn't bother telling her I was picking my daughter up from school first...why would I tell her that? It's none of her business. Well...get this...she calls me in about half an hour wondering where I'm at and why I haven't shown up yet!!! It's not like they were closing in the next 5 minutes...it was only 3:00 and they are open until 5:00. When I get there she tells me my filing date is Monday, the 27th. Oh goody. I'm supposed to be out of town for work that day. But I have to file before the 28th, next week is out because of Thanksgiving making it such a short week so now I have to call in sick on the 27th to get out of a training session so I can file my BK.
Oh, and this blew me away. I told her I wanted to see everything I've turned in to them to make sure they have everything that I expect them to have. She said I can't. I asked why not. She said it would be a waste of time! I told her it wouldn't be a waste of MY time and that I would be happy to just sit in the waiting room and look through it all to make sure it's all there. Nope. They won't let me. I can review it all on the 27th. So I figure, fine. They want to play games, I can play too. I'm making a list of every piece of paper I've turned in from my file I kept at home. I'm taking my file, my list and I'm going to take my time going through every single piece of paper and checking it off my list. I'm going to make a list of every creditor and how much I owe them to make sure they have that right too.
So maybe I'm just stressed and over reacting.
It didn't help that when I got to the school my daughter (she's 17) was nowhere to be found and after waiting half an hour I left thinking she rode the bus home. Halfway to the lawyers office she calls and she's waiting at the school. I don't know how we missed each other. I had to make her wait while I dropped of the papers and when I got back to the school she wasn't there!!! I had a feeling she might be with a friend who was waiting for her mom to pick her up and I was right. My daughter claims she told me she was going to go with her friend but I sure don't remember her saying that. But since I was so stressed over the lawyer thing who knows, maybe she did tell me and it just didn't register in my brain.
I paid in full and turned in paperwork on August 8th
Sept 12th I get a letter asking for more info
Sept 28th I hand deliver all the info asked for in the letter
I wait. I call. I never get past the receptionist, I leave messages asking for an update on the status of my case. My calls are never returned. I get a letter in Sept summoning me to court in regards to a local creditor. I take the letter to my lawyers office I'm told, through the receptionist, not to worry about it, don't have to go to court, they will take care of it...so I don't go. I got another letter recently telling me if I don't show up in court on the 28th of this month I will be arrested.
That was a week ago today (last Friday). I called lawyer on same day and was asked to fax the letter. I faxed it, I called Monday morning, no one was in to talk to me and wouldn't be until Thursday. I called Thursday and found out they never received the fax. Re-faxed the letter and called later in the day and BEGGED for someone to talk to me. No return calls. Called again this morning and no one could talk to me because of a "computer problem". Called again in the afternoon and the receptionist was "just about to call". She told me they never got the extra information they had requested. I told her I took it in on the 28th of September and gave it to HER. I asked her what happened to the papers I'd given her. She said she didn't know what happened to them.
Oh, and this blew me away. I told her I wanted to see everything I've turned in to them to make sure they have everything that I expect them to have. She said I can't. I asked why not. She said it would be a waste of time! I told her it wouldn't be a waste of MY time and that I would be happy to just sit in the waiting room and look through it all to make sure it's all there. Nope. They won't let me. I can review it all on the 27th. So I figure, fine. They want to play games, I can play too. I'm making a list of every piece of paper I've turned in from my file I kept at home. I'm taking my file, my list and I'm going to take my time going through every single piece of paper and checking it off my list. I'm going to make a list of every creditor and how much I owe them to make sure they have that right too.
So maybe I'm just stressed and over reacting.