Please don’t judge me, but first off to start I have a horrible gambling problem and have had so for much of my life, have bi polar condition . I know I need to get help and i hope to do so…. Question is this, I live in Texas and am in the middle of a ch13 payment plan for 36 months including repayment in the plan to include the IRS. Why would these companies even allow my to borrow money with an open ch13? If I was just denied from the begging I wouldn’t be posting on here tonight. I know I spent the money but I was honest when filling out the applications and have been making the minimum payments. Would credit card companies even try and come after me for smaller amounts? $2,500 on a few cards, $5600 loan.
Being honest during this bk I applied for loans and credit cards and didn’t lie on the applications, I was approved for a $5000 loan and various credit cards. Well I made bad decisions and am back in debt now. I can qualify for a ch7 due to my income, could I just stop paying my ch13 and file for a ch7 to also include past IRS debt? I occurred around $15,000 of new credit card debt during my ch13, I need advice. I do not own a home, no major assets other than a car I make payments on. I just really messed up here. Should I finish the ch13 then file a ch7 or just stop paying on it? Asking her first as I’m so embarrassed to call my own attorney.
Thank you for your replies.
Being honest during this bk I applied for loans and credit cards and didn’t lie on the applications, I was approved for a $5000 loan and various credit cards. Well I made bad decisions and am back in debt now. I can qualify for a ch7 due to my income, could I just stop paying my ch13 and file for a ch7 to also include past IRS debt? I occurred around $15,000 of new credit card debt during my ch13, I need advice. I do not own a home, no major assets other than a car I make payments on. I just really messed up here. Should I finish the ch13 then file a ch7 or just stop paying on it? Asking her first as I’m so embarrassed to call my own attorney.
Thank you for your replies.