I want to know what rights i have if any when a trustee is abusive from the time the meeting started I was 1 minute late, and he stated this started at 9:00am when I went to explain I went to the wrong building he cut me off and said sit down. My cell phone was turned on by the security man so I went to turn it off he bit my head off for that. When me and my husband were called up we realized (we do not have an attorney) that we needed our Social Security cards which we did not have and told him that he said just take out your licenses. Iset my purse on his desk to get my license He then humilated me by stating this was his desk so I'm now on the floor trying to get my license. he swears us in and then asks us why we send our rent check to San francisco. That is because we were told by our landlord to do that. He then states you know they do not live in San francisco and yes we are aware of that but what does that have to do with anything. he asks my husband what does he do for work He states a muscian Trustee then states well what does that mean and makes a smart ass comment that I bet you collect cash you are not depositing. He then asks my occupation we are both self employed at any rate I tell him real Estate Agent he says how many homes have you sold None I tell him because I do property management and leasing. He then asks how I get paid which is all commision based and of course my broker keeps there cut as well. He states we have to come back on March 8th with our social security cards, November-February Bank statements, agent billing and paycheck stubs. Also my husband has to provide a calendar proving he has not had any live shows...I feel like he is treating us with No respect. This is a extremely tough time for us my husband will undergo another heart surgery in the next 12 months and we have no savings to pay for his uninsured medical expenses and also he can't work for probably 3 months following. We tryed in August CSA but we still were spending more then what is coming in...We have been living way beyond our means for some time...Can a trustee treat you like this? Do we have rights? We have committed no crime but i feel he is treating us like we have. Any advice I'm so dreading our contined 341 creditor meeting on March 8th. I can't sleep or eat the stress is overwhelming and also our creditors none of them showed up we have no assets. Our cars are both leased vechicles which we have been paying and are re-affirming as for our work we have to have cars....Scared 143