Hey y’all! New AZ filer here our attorney filed us yesterday and we have a case number and I can see it on our local courts BK website —which is exciting because I’m ready for this to be Over! Lol ok so question—we are surrendering both vehicles (way upside down and high payments!) but based on the timeline we probably won’t be discharged til ...May? If not later-idk I’m preparing for May..but my registration is due by end of April...it’s $450 and there’s no way I am going to be able to pay that let alone, want to pay if we are just going to let the cars go...
what am I supposed to do? Just talk to my lawyer? Or do a “sold” notice with DMV? I’m kind of lost on this aspect. Am I allowed to get another cheaper car while all this is going on so that I have a vehicle?
what am I supposed to do? Just talk to my lawyer? Or do a “sold” notice with DMV? I’m kind of lost on this aspect. Am I allowed to get another cheaper car while all this is going on so that I have a vehicle?