Hey Everyone,
I realize that this is NOT a love advice board, but I don't know where to go. I am too upset and embarrassed to tell friends or family about my b/f dilemma.
We are both in our young thirties, never married, no children. I have been seeing him over one year and noticed that he has financial problems. He is always broke, his phone rang off the wall (he attributed it to Telemarketers, not collections), he admitted SOME credit card debt. He told me on Oct 2004 that he was going to see a lawyer to "eliminate his cc debt". I asked him point blank, if he was filing for BK, he swore he wasn't. We talk about a future and getting married someday- but not until he is back on his feet. I feel I should know his financial status, since we talk about a future. He claimed to be honest.
To make my LONG story shorter, I came accross a letter in his desk from a BK Lawyer stating that he got the BK proccess started, I saw a huge stack of unpaid bills from a few years, I saw a lien on his house, and a letter that he owed the IRS money that he never paid ($453.00). I was furious that he never told me that he was filing after he swore he wasn't. He claims that it is none of my business, and that he wanted to clear it up behind my back.
I know that this is a Bankruptcy empathiser board, but in your opinion, from your experience- should I run?