Just got paid and I am already $70 in the hole! No money until DH's disability check on the 14th! And I got a frigging raise to boot on this check ! 2016 cannot get here soon enough if I survive until then! I hate it I hate it I hate it!
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I Hate this Chapter 13!!!
I"m sorry you're having such a difficult time. I dont know how you do your budgeting (i.e., pen and paper method or computer method..or if you do one at all) but maybe if you write it all down (what bills are due when / pay days, etc) you will be able to see where to pay what a little easier. ?? Chapter 13 isnt easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it isnt meant to be punitive; if you're not able to make the bills and have -$70 with no money left for two weeks, then something isnt right either in the way you doing your budget (day bills are due to paydays or too many bills) or you arent meant to be in a Ch. 13.
There are a ton of posts on the forum for money saving tips and tricks, perhaps some of those can help you as well. Coupons being a number one thing.
Hang in there....
I am sorry to hear you are struggling, but your not alone. Hopefully the next couple years are the better ch13 years for you and raises sure help even if only slightly.
Budget is key but life throws curves from many directions and it does become discouraging. I keep creating a savings by cutting the bills and reducing spending, but there is always something to use it for. I try to keep looking at where I will be after discharge to help keep me focused, but I still become quite depressed here and there.
I know you don't want to hear it but dig deep and see what you can currently live without. Do you get a big tax refund? If so reduce the withholding to increase take home pay. Do you have cable TV? Reduce to basic or cancel altogether and get Netflix through your internet service for some entertainment. If you eat out make a rule, no coupon no eating out. Check your insurance to see if you can increase the deductibles for a lower monthly premium. Can you reduce your phone service and maybe cancel the house phone all together. We tend to over eat so now we use smaller servings and am able to spread a dinner into two evenings, but trust me we are not starving ourselves.
The most regretful part of all this is that my two daughter are becoming adults and I can do nothing to help them except for a roof over their heads. Very frustrating and depressing, but the kids have been good about it. Helping the kids in some way will be priority one for me when times are better.
Hang in there.11/23/'10-filed ch 13. 1/6/'11-341, confirmed. Below median. Plan completed 11/30/2015. DISSCHARGED 4/4/2016.JP
I, like the others, am sorry that you are going through this. I can hear the frustration in your post. We are 20 mos. into our 36 mo. plan & must admit going from living on credit to living paycheck to paycheck is certainly a challenge, but it is doable. As the others have said budget is the key. If you go back to some of my earlier posts when we first filed you will see every time we thought we were ahead something major hit. I wanted to know what I did to tick God off.Many days I felt sorry for myself and was ready to throw in the towel. It is a daily struggle, but if the two of you work, and work hard together it can and will work for you.
Stay on this Forum and you will get plenty of help and information from wonderful people that have been in your situation. I wish you the best of luck. sammiePlan Completed 10 months early 09/24/2014Discharged 11/04/2014
Filed Ch 13 Aug. 2012 341 Meeting 09/12/2012 Confirmed 10/23/2012
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