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Painc is setting in!!!

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    Painc is setting in!!!

    We have decided to move forward with our I am a wreck. Today marks the first time I have ever been late on a bill and I feel like I am going to have a heart attack. Of course I am imagining the worst things in the world will happen, like people coming to haul me away and relentlessly harass me. I have been proactive and set up a google voice account and changed all my phone numbers on my credit card accounts, while I still have acces to the accounts online. I have also removed all of the banking information from most of them, some won't let me without adding a new checking account number. None of these accounts are auto I am guessing they cannot just debit money out of my account without my authorization??? We are waiting on a comparative market analysis to come in for our house so the final figures can be worked out and we can actually file. If there is anything else I can or should be doing please let me know. I will sleep again someday, right???

    I would say if you need a new car go and get one now while your credit is still decent and you can survive a 5 yr bk.
    CH13 - filed 30 JUL 09, $1521 @ 60 mos (100% payback)
    Done!!! - 01 Jul 2014 I'm free!! Discharged 9/23/14!


      You have nothing to be afraid of. Nobody is going to haul you away for defaulting on debt. Debt collectors can be a lot of nasty things, but I have yet to hear of them being kidnappers. Google Voice should help avoid the harrassment.

      The only creditor that can leally get at your checking account is the bank where your checking account is and they would have to have a right of set off to use your bank account to pay off your debt. Nobody else can get your money without your authorization unless they first get a judgement against you. If you want to be absolutely safe, open a new checking account and stop using the old one.
      LadyInTheRed is in the black!
      Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
      $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


        The sane part of me knows this will be OK....the scared,worried and ashamed part keeps taking over. It seems my bank account should be fine. Thank you so much Lady in Red for helping me and making me giggle!!!


          Pugs, you need to calm down and take all of LITR's advice.

          BK is a process, as Frogger would say, and you need to know that you do not need to go walking around thinking an avalanche of icicles is going to descend upon you at any given moment--like 'Hub and I did. We really thought the worst would happen.

          Once we found this wonderful Forum, and it helped to calm our fears, we felt much better and started doing better in our personal lives.

          This is why 'Hub and I stay around and try to help folks like you, just starting out. You WILL be okay! {{{HHUGGGS}}}
          "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

          "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


            TY...from the bottom of my heart


              Hey Pugs,
              The good news is you found us FIRST
              See how organized and calm you truly are. You are doing everything right. Line up those ducks and then....well whatever it is we are supposed to do with them once they are in a row Shoot them? count them to go to sleep? eat them? pet their downy little butts?

              We all panicked at the first missed payment. But it gets easier from there.
              Come chat, vent, update and whine with us here anytime. You will be giving advice and holding others' virtual hands in no time.

              Keep On Smilin'


                What you are feeling is normal. Most of here had it one time or another. I know I stressed out big time and in the end everything was okay and the best choice we made for our lives. The best thing is you found this board and the truly amazing people who will help you though the process. Pam


                  Yeah i freaked out! I still wait for the shoe to drop but i just try to take it day by day! Good luck, you will be fine too.
                  Discharge date: October 2017 (will it ever get here?)


                    Completely normal. You will be fine. You are already a step ahead by doing the research and planning that you have. Just stick to the plan, stay honest, and remember that this too shall pass.

                    Filed Ch 13 Feb 9, 2012, 341 meeting Mar 15, 2012, Confirmed Apr 5, 2012
                    Anticipated freedom party Apr 2015


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