OK so I have been on here a bit regarding our paymnet increase due to income increase. I finally spoke with my atty assistant and she said we will have to redo a budget and show our income with paystubs and so on. We are on our 3rd year of payments and yes my husbands income has increased, but our costs have gone up as well, they are asking for a payment of 1100 to 2100!!! Big jump. I am worried that the trustee is going to get pissed that we are requesting a redo budget and still keep the payment at 2100 or even dismiss us totally. I have been on time every month with every payment and with tax refunds too. This trustee seems easy to piss off and is very strict. I'm in west michigan area.
If we just say OK to this payment without contesting it we maynot be able to make it every month and that would get us behind.
Also my mother in law has agreed to loan us money for anew vehicle. Our old one was dying. (but paid off) but we will need to pay her as well, can this be addded to the new budget. Or does there need to be a different route to show this. I am a nervous wreck! Are we just asking to be in trouble with the trustee by doing this? Its our right counter it right?
If we just say OK to this payment without contesting it we maynot be able to make it every month and that would get us behind.
Also my mother in law has agreed to loan us money for anew vehicle. Our old one was dying. (but paid off) but we will need to pay her as well, can this be addded to the new budget. Or does there need to be a different route to show this. I am a nervous wreck! Are we just asking to be in trouble with the trustee by doing this? Its our right counter it right?