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Suggestions on type og budget to follow for chap 13er ?dave ramsy or others
We are having to rebudget ourselves since our paymenty is going up. I was wondering what types of budget plans are people using to get through a chap 13 without losing their minds!!! Any kind of info/website or book would be helpfyl.
I've been doing some research on this myself as we are just entering the land of Chapter 13 and will need something to keep us on track. I've read that YNAB (You Need A Budget) is good, has great reviews. I believe you can have on your computer and smart phone (so you can enter on the go) and it communicates via iCloud.
I am so cheap I went to see what excel shareware was out there and found an annual planner. I could customize it month to month to show the swings from winter to summer in income and expenses. Try a google search or try looking up public excel worksheets.
We just budget on an excel spreadsheet. Each month list the paydays and amount and then subtract fixed expenses from them (according to due dates). Whats left goes to misc(up to 100) and anything over 100 left goes to savings. Its real simple, for the next month we copy that page and then adjust for that months income and expenses. Adargie, I can send you a copy if you pm me with your email.
Filed Chapter 13 - 7/10/07 - 5 year plan with 2 cars and 10% unsecured payback,
Last Payment 7/12, DISCHARGED 11/26/12CLOSED 12/18/12
Thanks for your replies, my income is the same every month but my husbands is not. He is commission based and we don't know what hes bring home till 2 days before his check goes out.(he doesn't get a base salary) I have been on a pretty good budget for 3 years because my income has covered most of the main bills, now we are depending on his income. So it will be a challenge but I know bottom line what he has to make and if he doesn't well the bills don't get made. I am going to try the excel spreadsheet and see if that puts it into an easier plan
I use the "old fashioned method" : notebook and a pen We used to do the cash in envelope method when we first started our CH. 13 a little over 3 years ago, but now I just "slide" it out of checking (i.e., its there, but not there) for whatever I need.
I tried to use the online budgeting tools but its too much time for me personally. Its much easier to do pen / paper as when something comes up, I'm able to look at 3-6 months of budget at one time and move bills around if needed.