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I filed in October so I assume disharge will be November or December 2017, so I think that is a holiday season worth looking forward too!!! So after this season just two more!! Whoop whoop! Just thinking out loud!
Discharge date: October 2017 (will it ever get here?)
How are we all doing? Next payment will mark my half way point! Is has been a tuff year for me, health, etc! But I am plugging away and I can't wait to see the end of this! I know the financial stress has certainly not helped. 30 more months! I hope it goes by fast!!!!!!
How are you all dong?
Discharge date: October 2017 (will it ever get here?)
Doing good. It's funny..this weekend I pulled out my notebook of good intentions. There is where I started tracking all the trustee payments, the date sent, received, posted, etc. I had lines designated for payments 1 - 50. I decided that the final 10 (although I'll only have 5) would be treated in a major countdown way. Well guess what...all the receipts are in the book but i stopped the tracking after payment 6. What's interesting is that I just completed payment 33!!! I put checkmarks on the unfilled in lines...that was a total of 27!!!!! Although there's still a little way to go..what a wonderful feeling. Time has suddenly gone faster than even I realized. Have a good day!
April 2015 - seems like a long time off but when I look back to 3+ years ago - 19 months is nuthin' Just praying for a quick closure that doesnt drag out.