My husband and I have filed for bk. we were told that we make too much $ and had to file 13. We haven't had out 341 meeting yet. It's in June. Our lawyer gave us a monthly payment of $776. I have been working a part-time 30 hour a week job. However, I have to cut my hours in half because we cannot afford child care in the summer while they are out of school. We have 3 kids. 11, 7 & 6. We're making our first payment this week and are scraping money to have enough for it. This is very, very scary. I don't know how we're going to be able to do it. When we first went to our lawyer we never thought we'd be in a ch13 situation. We've been struggling, counting coins, for years. Now that we've filed it still feels that we're counting coins, searching for grocery $. Is there any way to get our payment lowered or get into ch7? I mean, I am not sleeping, not eating, having panic attacks and heart racing episodes daily. I push myself to get out of bed for my kids to see a forced smile. Any help, comments would be so greatly appreciated. Any info you need in order to help in any way I will gladly give. I feel like a complete failure and don't want my kids to know how I have failed them.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.