I hate hate hate hate Capital One Auto! With a burning passion. I'll never get another car loan as long as I live!!! We filed Chap 13 back in March 2011. It's been a ridiculous struggle from the get go. We started the whole thing with already 1 strike against us.....being broke from filing Chap 13! Over the past 18 months it's just been playing catch up with everything. We've already received 2 notices from my husbands car from being more than 90 days behind. Which I've manage to keep them away....just barely. Thankfully there is only $733 left on his car. That will be paid off in the next month. They've been very forgiving about the fact that the loan ended in April and we are still paying on it to finish the loan. However, Capital One has the loan on my car. And let me tell you they are VICIOUS! It was partly my stupid fault that got us into this particular mess I just learned about this afternoon. I thought (stupid me for assuming) that my car loan ended in October. So I had a budget in place to pay it off November 2nd. It was only 2 weeks from when I THOUGHT the loan ended. Well anyways the loan ended on September 20th. That's a huge difference and again my stupid fault for not keeping track of this. Anyways the total amount due is $1760, however when I called the payment number it said $1085 was due. The letter that my lawyer received today was dated September 25th and they want the entire balance of $1760 on October 5th. According to the letter we have 10 days. No not really I have about 7 days because of how long it took to get the stupid letter. The lawyer is going to call them on Monday and find out what the balance actually is. I had made a $385 payment (normal payment) on September 20th that I don't think was factored into the letter. Either way between what the payment number says, what the letter says and the payment I made the math is completely wrong. I can't figure out what I owe. On to the point of this post.....What would be my options here? I explained to the lawyer that we could have the loan paid off either October 20th if it's the $1085 or November 5th if it's the $1760. He's going to call on Monday and beg them to give me more time. How generous are these car loan companies in giving you just a smidge more time to pay off your car? Anyone at all that knows anything about this or has been through it please please please I'm begging for your advice. I'm completely freaked out right now.