Hoping to file this week. Get a email with more stuff needed. Anyway they want Feb paystub too. Thought they go by months? If I file Thur. They asked about life ins only have what work gives me. Then they what recent bill statements honestly I have not paid those bills that i am filing for in about 4 years and they been sold over and over so I never saved them because heck they took up the whole mailbox and I was over whelmed. At the time hub lost his job a week after we bought our house then took him months to find another and if that wasn,t bad enough he slid in our driveway on ice and broke his leg, sooo another 6 months and we didn't have health ins and made too much for help.40 nthousand added, then of coarse he needed his gallbladder out had ins. Hope they don't think im a bad person. Cause when they look at my salary this should not have happened.
I have a feeling my payment is gonna be high. My hub sick of hearing about it, so glad he has to go with me to attorney. I am having a pity party sorry.
I have a feeling my payment is gonna be high. My hub sick of hearing about it, so glad he has to go with me to attorney. I am having a pity party sorry.