Originally posted by nervousSC
I'm sorry, but this just seems strange... you're worried about losing $1k-$2k in equity in your car and so you would rather pay payments to a bk for 3-5 years, not be able to borrow ANY money during that time without the approval of the trustee... any time you get a raise, the payments you pay to the trustee go up... you sell the house and get a smaller one with lower payments... trustee payments go up.
Obviously I don't know your whole life story, but from what you've said on here it seems a no brainer that you should be doing a chapter 7. You might have just gotten 3 attorneys who don't care about their client. I mean, think about this for a second... at the minimum, 36months X $100/month is $3600... why are you doing this rather than lose $1k-$2k on a car that you could turn around and replace for less than your bk payments?
Remember, on the car, if the trustee decides to take it and sell it, YOU get your $1200 first... THEN the trustee gets his cut... so if he only sells it for $1500... he only gets $ 300 and you get $1200 cash for down payment on a different vehicle.